2nd local Recurrence - Risks/Benefits WBR?

Hello all,

I'd really like to hear from older women who have had a 2nd local recurrence or new cancer in a reconstructed breast and what treatments they have had. Also, any relevant studies on the risks and benefits of WBR in a second local recurrence. I'm particularly interested in the correlation between a second local recurrence, metastases and survival rates. I'm also interested in how I might get more definitive pathology information as the pathology results have been inconsistent regarding whether my 1st and now 2nd episodes were/are recurrences or new cancers. Has anyone's doctor's applied any genomic tests on local recurrences or a new local cancer?

I'll write with more details soon, but I wanted to get this question out. I just received an article from my radiation oncologist, giving me a 50/50 chance of surviving another 3.67 years from my diagnosis last September. Chelsea


  • KBeee
    KBeee Posts: 695
    edited March 2021

    I am sorry to hear you're dealing with a recurrence. It's always such a punch in the gut. I don't know the details of your past cancers or what treatments you've had. I had BMX the first time and had no radiation. When I had a local recurrence, I did have radiation. I discovered that there are ver few studies on local recurrences. I hope you find some better information.

  • damnrecurrence
    damnrecurrence Posts: 2
    edited April 2021

    Hi, so sorry to hear about your situation, but boy, can I relate. I am trying to negotiate a path to a cure and stay sane. After lumpectomy and WBR in 2012 at age 59 for stage 1A hormone-receptive BC, I had a stage 1A recurrence in same breast in July 2019, treated with a mastectomy, latissimus dorsi reconstruction, and AI medications. In December 2020 I was diagnosed with a recurrence in the LD flap, but no metastasis, at least as yet. I am being treated with comb of Fulvestrant injections and Ibrance oral meds (usually given for metastatic patients) to shrink the tumors (now multiple) before more surgery to remove the flap, cancer, and implant (which was in addition to the LD flap), as recommended by my breast surgeon and radiation oncologist, who wants to do more radiation. However, my regular (super) oncologist thinks I can do the targeted therapy indefinitely if there is no progression. My 3-month MRI shows very slight diminishment of tumors (they are multiple this time). Surgery will be tricky because there is little good skin left for closure, even flat, and a TRAM flap could be needed next, which I think puts me right back at risk of BC invasion and requires an even more grueling rehab. Hard to imagine having a rarely recommended second course of radiation on top of this. I too am finding a dearth of info on second recurrences and effective treatments. I am very active and athletic so even the thought of living with the ramifications of the second surgery and radiation sometimes seems worse than giving up. I too am having trouble finding good info and studies that look at treatment for second recurrence, particularly re radiation and what to do if cancer is back and there's no good skin left... I'll be happy to share anything I come across. Am also thinking of going to Mayo for a second opinion on next steps following at least another 3 months on the targeted therapy.