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May 2021 Surgeries



  • monarchandthemilkweed
    edited June 2021

    dulcea, that’s wonderful you are feeling well. I was too. Almost back to normal then bam I started chemo. Yuck! Not fun!

  • Carlsoda
    Carlsoda Posts: 120
    edited June 2021

    Dulcea - I am so happy you are feeling good! Yay!! Like Monarch with chemo I feel like crap. I’m trying to decide which is worse - the surgery or chemo 🤔😂

    Keep healing and soon with PT the cording will get all better!!

  • dulcea
    dulcea Posts: 241
    edited July 2021

    Thanks carlsoda and monarch.

    I actually debated on whether or not to say how good I felt when I knew some of my surgery sisters where on a different part of their journey. I figured with all the whining I had done, I should also share my current state.

    It can't be easy for you to be barely recovered from surgery and have to go through chemo too. I hope you are managing well. We are all pretty amazing Wonder Women in the end though, having to go through this and continue to carry on!

    Wishing you all the best.

  • monarchandthemilkweed
    edited July 2021

    dulcea- always share the victories!! Today is day 6 and I feel pretty good! Did some light gardening, a short walk, and some errands. It’s amazing what the human body can endure and overcome.

  • CapsFaninVA
    CapsFaninVA Posts: 2
    edited July 2021

    Hi everyone: I'm late to finding this thread. I had a double mastectomy with DIEP flap 5/10, and a breast revision 6/7 (there were some blood flow issues that meant they couldn't finish the reconstruction in the first surgery.

    I'm progressing but much, much slower than I had hoped. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced some of what I am and what, if anything, helped you.

    1- extreme skin hypersensitivity in the breasts, esp. around the healing nipples. Any clothes on it is so uncomfortable. I'm getting some nerve "zingers" so I'm guessing it is nerve regeneration and that is what my PT said, as well. But, I can't go topless all day. I'm starting gentle touch and desensitization but, so far, not a significant help. How long did this last for you (I'm about 5 weeks post revision) and was there anything else you did that I have not, and which helped with this?

    I'm single-handedly keeping the bra industry afloat, buying anything and everything i an attempt to be comfortable. :(

    2- I'm still have abdominal issues- although the very acute pain levels are down, I'm still having some nerve symptoms in and just below my belly button. Also just below, I feel like there is a sort of knot. My abdomen, esp. on the right, seizes up and is SO tight sometimes. I'm seeing PT and doing massages at home. Further diagnostics (U/S and CT) were inconclusive as to presence of a small internal hernia (and since I am technically improving, I don't want a further surgery at this time). It did find a small 'lesion" on my kidney that will require f/u, unfortunately, but that does not explain the abdominal discomfort.

    I did have a C-section and a prior laparascopy 20+ years ago. So it could be scar tissue causing these issues. They just aren't 100% sure. But they did say my abdominal recovery is not typical. Anyone else experience something similar? If so, any insights or recs for things I haven't tried?

    I know these are relatively insignificant in comparison to some of your stories. But, I do appreciate any thoughts/ideas/help as I'm super uncomfortable and it is bumming me out to miss so many things just b/c my bras are uncomfortable or my stomach is tight.

  • Carlsoda
    Carlsoda Posts: 120
    edited July 2021

    sorry you are here Caps! I just had a single mastectomy with no reconstruction but rubbing my scar with Vit e oil and the numb area around it has helped. But yeah those zingers are the worst. It was hard to walk around for the first couple of weeks as it was so uncomfortable.

    I suppose you’ve gone to a special shop that specializes in bras etc for us cancer patients? Mine was super good and their recommendations workedwell! I wonder if camis will help?

    I hope you find something that can help you! Sending you healing hugs!