Segmentally distributed microcalcifications. Worried sick.

Dx with IDC 2B in February 2020. A/C ->T Lumpectomy September 2020 and 25 radiation treatments. I just had my first 6 month follow up mammogram. I was told that it showed segmentally distributed microcalcifications and is suspicious for DCIS. BIRADS 4. Dr. Google is only making the description seem more grim. Biopsy Is scheduled for Tuesday. The doctor told me not to worry that she was being extra cautious. I'm still worried sick. How can this not be bad news?
How can it not be bad news?
First off, are these new calcifications in the same breast in which you had breast cancer in 2020? If so, the calcs might have developed because of the radiation. Calcifications that develop within 2 years of radiation more often are benign.
Second, while segmental calcs do have approx. a 60% risk of malignancy, segmental calcs can be difficult to distinguish from regional calcs - and regional calcs are more likely to be benign. (See below.)
Third, if malignant, segmental calcs are more likely to be DCIS than invasive cancer. Still not a diagnosis that anyone wants, but certainly a much more favorable diagnosis than invasive cancer, which you had previously.
So while this could be bad news, it could be a false alarm. Hopefully that's the case. Good luck with the biopsy on Tuesday. Let us know how it goes.
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It is in the same breast as the previous IDC. I will just hope that it is a false alarm. I have also gone through the thought process that DCIS is much better than what I have already gone through. It all just feels like this familiar terrifying ride that I can't get off of. Thank you for the response and encouragement. I will update once I have more information.
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Stardust just want to send out some positive energy your way. Gentle hugs as well...
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Thank you LivinLife! I am trying to keep busy. Worry won't do this situation any good. I'm hoping it's just my care team being overly cautious. I will update later this week when I have results.
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I had to have my first post- treatment biopsy this year after my second routine MRI scanning. It was also my first MRI biopsy. I was very very scared, but it was birads 4 (my initial imaging that led to diagnosis was birads 5) and I tried to remind myself of how common benign biopsies are.
It turned out to be normal breast changes from radiation/treatment. The doctor explained that your breast can keep changing post treatment for about 5 years, leading to things that appear like changes and might need biopsies because our docs are being very cautious with us.
So just seconding that this could totally be benign, and sending good vibes your way!
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Thank you, Salamandra. I am really hoping it is just normal changes from radiation and surgery. Good thing is they said I will have my results before next weekend. Just have to keep it together until then.
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I had my stereostatic biopsy this morning. I should have results in 48 hours. I was told once again to not worry. It is likely calcifications from surgery or radiation. Only 2 more days to wait. I think I may indulge in some retail therapy this afternoon.
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Wishing you well as you wait and for benign results!
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So the amazing people at my breast care center turned around my results in just 36 hours. The waiting is over. My results are benign. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. I think I will have a glass of wine a breathe a sigh of relief.
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Yay for being one step closer! Share the fruits of your retail therapy too if you like
Crossing my fingers for you.
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Great news! Thanks for letting us know. And yes, it's definitely worth a celebratory glass of wine!
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great news stardust
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Fantastic Stardust!!! Yes, celebrate! Thanks for letting us know about results - that's so important to us!
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Unfortunately I find myself in the same situation, and my head is spinning. Diagnosed with ILC 1A in February 2019. Lumpectomy, radiation completed June 2019 25 treatments. No chemo, as everything pointed to the "best possible prognosis". Tiny tumor, no lymph nodes all that good stuff. Never gave this a second thought. Just a minor setback in October 2020 ,diagnosed with cellulitis, a round of antibiotics and everything cleared up. Just had my second mammogram and ultrasound, I thought to myself in and out right-nope not so fast. I was told they found some new calcifications. Fine linear calcifications to be exact in the same breast as before and have to biopsy. I honestly felt nauseated, and could not believe what I was hearing. How is this possible ? Is this a mistake? I'm trying to have faith that it's just all the stuff that's happened on that side, and they're just being cautious but it's so hard.
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It could be scar tissue. It continues to form for quite a while, and also moves around as it settles, and as a result of gravity. Good luck!
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Lola, you are just two years out from rads, so it's possible these calcs are from the rads, just as Stardust's appear to be, since her calcs turned out to be benign.
Hopefully that's the case for you too.
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Thank you AliceBastable. I was told that I have fat necrosis and a tiny seroma as per previous MRI's and ultrasounds. Biopsy scheduled for Monday. I am so scared and cannot wrap my head around the fact that this could be bad.
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Beesie I hope so. The worrying is making me sick
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Stereotactic biopsy this morning. Keeping fingers crossed guys. Dr mentioned fat necrosis- at least that's what the hope is. Will know in 2 days. Will have some wine to calm the nerves. Waiting is the worst.
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Sending positive thoughts your way for a benign result. I have had 3 biopsies since my mastectomy. The waiting is the worst!!!
Spoil yourself....
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Nutfarmer ever time the phone rings I jump! When does this get easier? How do you handle it?
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So it is fat necrosis after all. Got the call earlier today. I think- no I know I will never stop worrying.....but for today I'm OK.
Thanks for listening
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Lola, that's great news! Yup, once diagnosed it doesn't take much to trigger the worry. But thankfully this time it's all good!