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Long Breast Indentation, but Ultrasound Scan Found Nothing?

Josi_K Member Posts: 2
edited August 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

UPDATE: I went to the hospital today, and they did another exam. They said its nothing to worry about. Thank you for telling me to go back. Much love!

TL;DR On my left breast, I've had a long breast indent for months, with what feels like enlarged internal glands, and it feels just a little bit firmer than the right one (although its still soft). The doctors didn't find anything in the exam from months ago. Should I worry, or get another check?


I'm 21 years old, and I'm probably just over thinking things. My breast size, if it matters, is 40H (crazy I know). I don't have a family doctor, so I have to go to a walk in or the hospital (we are expecting a call about getting a family doctor in September, though.)

At the beginning it the year, I had some nipple pain on my left breast. The nurse at the walk in said it was dermatitis, I have a girlfriend and I think you can assume. It doesn't hurt anymore, but I has small bumps around it. Nothing more seems to come from that, and the nurse felt my breast a bit, but said I'm okay. I went to the hospital in February/March because I had armpit pain and noticed a long indent from my nipple in a southeastern direction down the breast. The hospital nurse said it was most likely my muscle got pulled, but she still have me a referral for an exam. I'm too young for a mammogram, so they did the ultrasound thing on it all over the breast and pit. The doctor didn't find anything while I was there, and I didn't get a call back. My armpit doesn't hurt anymore, but the large dent is still there. I have no other symptoms. I feel them both often and noticed that the left one has larger bulbs inside? Like they feel similar and still both soft, and the bulby parts feel like they are mirroring glands from the other breast just bigger. Like they move when I check and they feel deep inside, so I don't really think its the lumps people are talking about, but I just want another opinion. Also, the dent kinda goes away slightly when they firm up. Looking up somethings, Google says it might be fat necrosis, but I'm just wondering if I should go back and get another exam? Has anyone else had this?


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited July 2021

    Hi Josi_k and welcome to,

    We're sorry for the worries that bring you here, but we're glad you found us and decided to join. You're sure to get some helpful replies here soon.

    Please do not Google! It's great you're being diligent about your breast health, but just know that breast cancer at such a young age is extremely rare.

    Others will be by shortly to weigh in. Please let us know if you need anything at all, and let us know how it turns out.

    --The Mods

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301
    edited July 2021

    Hi Josi! I"m not sure what to make of your symptoms. I hear your concern - and concern that's been going on for a bit. You mentioned 40H so it makes me think there is a possibility something was missed in the ultrasound, esp. if the dermatitis cleared up. And then the concern about the lasting dent... Get a 2nd opinion if you're uncomfortable letting things go. I'm not sure if another ultrasound would provide anything different or so close to the recent ultrasound? so see what makes sense to the next provider you see....

  • ncyogi
    ncyogi Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2021

    Hi Josi,

    I’m sorry that you are having concerns but you have come to the right place for support! I’m sure everything is fine but you’re smart not to ignore any breast changes.

    Does the area in your breast feel “thicker”? Not necessarily a lump but just dense? If so, I would agree to get a 2nd opinion. I would also ask for a biopsy if things continue to feel strange. I know that sounds extreme but some areas don’t show up on u/s or mamm. Better to be extra cautious & put your mind at ease.

    Hang in there & take care

  • Josi_K
    Josi_K Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2021


    Thank you for the reply, both of you. Sorry if replying to both seems weird, I've never been here before.

    Firstly, I had the same thought when I got the scan. I asked the nurse, she said that it shouldn't matter, but it doesn't hurt to second guess. I know its only been a few months, but even getting another scan would make me feel better.

    Secondly, I'm not too sure how dense is too dense when it comes to asymmetry. Both seem equally squishy, but some parts don't squish as much as the right.

    I will take your advice and seek a second opinion soon, even ask about that biopsy thing. Mammograms seem scary, and my mom said they suck. Thank you again! :)

  • essencedp
    essencedp Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2022

    I know you guys probably haven't checked this board in a while. But I'm 23 I turn 24 in 3 weeks and I've been dealing with the same thing since 2021 so I first spotted a indent underneath and kind of on the side of my left breast in may of 2021 I got an breast exam everything looked good. Then weeks late I noticed a dimple above my left breast nipple I went again and got an breast exam doctor couldnt feel a lump said tissue feels normal sent me on my way. Then i decided to examine both breast and to my surprise I found a large indented line on my right breast that when I lift my hands over my head it flattens the side of my breast but no lumps just sharp pains in random placates of both breast. Me being a hypochondriac I went back shown a gynmy breast and she sent me for an ultrasound. Wanted a mammogram but since I'm so young they insisted a ultrasound would be best so I went and got breast scanned came back all clear normal breast tissue fast word a yr later same dents same sharp pains so I went and got seen by a breast specialist he wasn't so concerned and said because my breast are sagging and very heavy that my coppers ligament are cause the definite indents all over my breast. I wanted more answers being the health hypochondriac I am and got another ultrasound and came back clear again. I'm still worried and don't know what to do.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 290
    edited August 2022

    Sorry you were not happy with my response to you on your previous thread. This insistent seeking of assurance that doesn’t bring relief is a symptom of your self diagnosed hypochondriac disorder. Please contact a mental health professional.

  • essencedp
    essencedp Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2022

    hi I don’t mean to sound like I’m freaking out. I just supposed I could get some advice since the chat was for someone with concerns. And since we’re all sharing our experiences I wanted to share mines and try hearing some words of assurance and comfort.

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 290
    edited August 2022

    Perhaps someone has something else to add. Do not apologize. I understand stress and anxiety. I only want you to get relief. I do not believe you will get that here. How can anyone reassure you more than the ultrasounds that show nothing. I would like you to be very clear about what someone would need to tell you for you to be reassured. And then ask whether anyone here would have the qualifications to do that. If you cannot answer that definitively, then you are not being realistic. Too many anxious young women have spent too much time here for nothing. I would hate to see that become your story. Do you know a mental health worker that you can access