
The past 3 weeks I have noticed a pain which I though was rib pain, but now is clearly swollen and I feel swollen vein or something. It’s under my breast area on my side and hurts to lie in that side, also raise that arm. I have my 6 month follow up tomorrow and will ask about it. I’m thinking it is a blood clot. Also feel ridiculous jumping to conclusions, but you know we know ourselves best. Has anyone had this while on ovarian suppression and an AI? Did you have to stop taking them?
Hi ladyc, I had this exact thing happen to me. The consensus seems to be that it was truncal cording, also known as Mondor's syndrome. Mine was incredibly painful. It started as severe rib pain which made me terrified that I had a bone met. A couple weeks later, I noticed the raised "cord" that ran from just under my breast down to my pelvic bone. Here is an explanation of the phenomenon, which often follows breast surgery, that I found online:
"Once vessels are cut, blood can no longer flow through and the blood inside the veins naturally clots, causing a mild local inflammation reaction within the veins. These veins become palpable and visible through the skin, looking like 'cords'. These care called 'Mondors Cords'. They can occur a couple of weeks after breast augmentation surgery and they look like vertical bands below the breast, running towards the abdomen. They aren't painful, but can sometimes feel uncomfortable or tender to touch. The cords are harmless and temporary. The clots inside are not the same as the type of blood clots or deep vein thrombosis that can form in the legs or be harmful."
Although it says "they aren't painful", mine definitely was! I have had it come and go twice and although it presented the same both times, it was in a slightly different location. Supposedly they are self-limited and resolve on their own. I applied heat to the area and took one baby aspirin a day until it resolved, which seemed to speed up resolution of the problem both times. It doesn't seem like anyone knows for sure why this happens to certain women and not others, but my MO said from his experience "cording" in general is a more common affliction in "long, lean" women. I hope yours resolves quickly as I know from experience it is QUITE PAINFUL!
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thank you for this 🙏🏼 I think that’s what it could have been - seemed to travel from under my breast across my back over time. So odd. Has been no sign for for a few months now.
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So this seems to be happening again after several months of nothing. I’m not sure if it’s actually some sort of lymphedema around the breast, side under arm and towards the back. So odd. Painful, slight swelling - not as bad as before. Have an appointment with the PA this week and will ask.
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hi ladyc. I’m sorry it’s back. I still get occasional swelling and pain. Fortunately, it has lessened in frequency and severity over time, but it’s very uncomfortable when it “flares”. I hope yours resolves quickly and stays away for a long time. I have seen a lymphedema specialist in the past and she’s very helpful in getting the fluid to mobilize. Let me know if the PA has any additional thoughts or suggestions.