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Axilla Lymph Node with Mildly Thickened Cortex?

jlt814 Member Posts: 9
edited March 2022 in Waiting for Test Results

I have a large lymph node that's been watched since February. I was given a BIRADS 3 and told to come back in 6 mo. Today was my follow up and while the radiologist doesn't think it's anything malignant, she'd now like to do a biopsy as the node has not gone down in size. She said there hasn't been a change in 6 mo which is a good sign, but the node has a mildly thickened cortex. Fatty hillia is present (I believe- it was in February)

Has anyone had a similar diagnosis with being results? She said I could come back again in 6 mo but she'd rather rule things out for peace of mind. Biopsy scheduled for 10/26.

I should also add that ultrasound and 3D mammo in February were all clear.


  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    Hi Jlt814,

    I also had a lymph node with thickened cortex, the biopsy came back normal, and the lymph node also appeared normal on a FDG-PET scan. The lump in my breast was another story, but my oncologist was confident in classifying me as “axilla node negative” based on the biopsy and PET scan.

    Hang in there, you may be just fine.


  • jlt814
    jlt814 Member Posts: 9

    Hi Emily,

    Thanks so much for your reply and I hope you're doing well after diagnosis. The first radiologist (in April) seemed 99% sure it was benign. Today's radiologist seemed a little more conservative- which I know is a good thing! But she didn't make me feel as confident.

    I'm curious how many breast cancers are found in lymph nodes with a clear mammo/ultrasound- I'd hate to think something was missed.

  • missmom79
    missmom79 Member Posts: 90

    Not trying to scare you but I had a mildly thickened cortex and the fatty hillia was present. i had breast cancer. prayers

  • jlt814
    jlt814 Member Posts: 9

    @Missmom79, I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and hope you're doing well! Thanks so much for your reply, and I do def know that anything is possible with lymph nodes. Did they locate cancer in your breast before or after they saw the enlarged node? I think that's what's concerning and confusing to me. All other diagnostic testing has come back clear so if it is breast cancer they haven't found it yet.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    JLT, - how are you? Did you biopsy that thickened node?

    I am awaiting an appt for biopsy in similar situation. I hope all is well with you, - and with everyone here!

  • jlt814
    jlt814 Member Posts: 9

    @anothernycgirl- I did end up having the biopsy and everything thankfully came back benign. I just had my yearly mammo and ultrasound and no wonky nodes were noted which I was glad to see! I go back in April for my 6mo follow-up post-biopsy so I'll be curious to see if the node is still there (and just abnormally normal for me lol)or if it was just taking its sweet time to return to normal size. A couple drs I consulted with were split in how soon I needed the biopsy but ultimately I was glad to have the peace of mind. Hope all goes well with yours too!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821


    Thank you for responding and sharing your good report!! Thank you, too, for your good wishes. I may be having the biopsy this week and I'm trying to remain calm. (not always easy).


    sending a hug from NYC!

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821

    Had biopsy on Wednesday and I was called today with BENIGN report! Thank you, jlt for starting this thread and for your words of encouragement! Emily, your post helped, too! Missmom, I hope you are doing well!

    Wishing all here GOOD HEALTH and always, BENIGN reports!!

  • ashley8
    ashley8 Member Posts: 1

    Yes I have known breast cancer and my lymph node biopsy with those charateristics came back benign.

  • deepri
    deepri Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2023

    hi everyone..please do reply ..on feb 16,2023. I had breast and armpit ultrasound that says

    intermittent left breast generalized pain for 3-4 months more persistent over the past week. Some ropey tissue inferior edge of left breast mentioned on requisition

    COMPARISON: None FINDINGS: No solid mass, cyst. A left axillatymph nodoeasures 1.2

    X U.o cm with size within normal. in still with preserved fatty hilum, but with minimal cortical thickening to 0.33 cm. Likely benign/reactive in nature in this young patient.


    No ultrasound evidence of left breast malignancy.

    Small left axillary Ivmph node. size within normal. but with minimal corticthickening. Likely benign/reactive in nature.

    then i had ultrasound after 1 and half month which says 3.6mm.

    This lymph node is nonspecific.

    Correlate with previous imaging to assess whether

    there has been any interval change. I have no prior studies for comparison here. Please says it normal

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited April 2023

    Hi deepri, and welcome. It's really good that the doctor does not think that there is anything wrong. If you aren't comfortable with what they are saying, it may be good for you to either meet with the doctor again to gain a better understanding of the details, or get a second opinion. Ther are many reasons for lumps, even in lymph nodes, that are benign. We understand worries with changes in your body, and hope that you can learn more about this result to have peace of mind.