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Starting Radiation November 2021



  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Hi HopeHeal!

    I also wish you well throughout radiation treatment! Keep us updated on how you are doing.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Met with my RO today, he said I can use Mepitel sheet but I have to put it on myself. Rad Techs & nurse said they have had others use it as well. I will put it on early next week, so far RO is pleased with my skin condition. Found out they already started treating my armpits so I’d better put creams there as well.

    I hope my RO & hospital will start providing & using Mepitel for the sake of future patients. I hope my RO listened to me today when I told him about other hospitals……take care everyone! Keep us posted.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Oh and my RO said that stretching daily will help prevent fibrosis. Don’t massage radiated area until healed.

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    Mamacure, where did you buy the mepitel film? The versions of mepitel that I can find on amazon are the thicker bandages, not the film sheets that seem to be recommended. My RO doesn't typically use it or recommend it, but I'd like to have some on hand just in case. Thanks!

  • macdebbie
    macdebbie Member Posts: 65

    Mamacure - thanks for the heads up on the stretching to prevent fibrosis! I will be sure to add this in daily.

    I saw my RO yesterday. She said I don't need the boost. I questioned her and told her I was really scared of recurrence, and she said "I'll do it if you want, but it's not going to do much good. You have very good tumor characteristics, it was only 3mm, no lymph node involvement, and wide margins." She said she talked to my BCS as well. So at the end of the day I have to just trust that this is the right decision, and go with it.

    So Fri is my last session!!!!! YEAH!! I opted to come in Fri rather than Mon because I didn't want a 4-day gap, even though I will not have my regular rad team. It was bittersweet today saying goodbye to them. I gave them both a thank you card and a Starbucks gift card.

    I can't wait to ring that bell!!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    mle42: search on Amazon “Mepilex transfer” 6x8”

    I got the link from this site. Used to be $18 per sheet but now $20.

    Wow Macdebbie you are almost done! I’m happy to hear no lymph involvement for you, that is super! Good idea about Starbucks gift cards!

    Enjoy Thanksgiving everyone

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    Macdebbie, congrats on finishing radiation!!

    My RO's office just called and confirmed my first treatment appointment for tomorrow morning - so just barely squeaking into a November start.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Good luck tomorrow mle42!

    I am about 1/3 way done. Skin is holding up. Underarms look darker. I put on Mepitel sheet today. Mine is more foamy than clear. I will show it to the doc tomorrow.

    My arm gets slightly swollen so mild lymphedema, most likely from radiation. Wearing compression sleeve during the day but sounds like I will need a custom sleeve & nighttime sleeve too. Very expensive, hope insurance will cover.Sigh.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    Hi November rads ladies,

    I am through four of the six weeks. I have a tan on the right breast and underarm! Go figure I tan instead of burn. Humored once again. :-)

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    That's one down, 32 more to go....

    Mamacure and Wondering, glad you're holding up so far! Mama, fingers crossed that insurance covers your sleeves and the lymphedema resolves.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    You’re on your way mle42! Hope it goes fast!

    Glad you are tan vs burn Wondering! I love your quote too.

    My RO gave me some words of encouragement today when he heard that I had trouble falling asleep last few days. He is very sweet, that warmed my heart!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    How’s everyone doing? I completed 13/30 today. Still bolus everyday. Starting to see light pink. RO said I should see sun burn next week. Last night, had deep ache under the skin, not bad just weird. Going to change to transparent silicone Mepitel sheet next week. Foamy one from Amazon is not very shower proof.

    Also going to get my port removed hopefully before end of the year (save out of pocket) if they can squeeze me in. I have 1 more keytruda left I hope. RO said it’s safe to get that surgery done during radiation. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Enjoy the weekend rest

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    Mamacure, thanks for checking in! I completed 4/33 today. Still feel fine, keeping fingers crossed and skin well lubed. Hooray for only 1 more keytruda and being able to get rid of your port!!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Good job mle42! Hope it goes fast for you.
    I am half way done! My RO is very pleased with my skin so far. Just a touch pink.

    My lymphedema is progressing & might have to bandage my arm. I really don’t want to. I get fitted for night sleeve tomorrow so I hope that will help. I have to massage & move my arm through out the day. Not fun

    Daily walks are keeping my energy up. I hope everyone is doing well.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    HI All!

    Today is boost number five and my last day of six weeks of rads. How excited I am to finish this step in the cancer road. The last week kicked my butt. The one-sided chest tan has kept me humored. The brain fog has brought a lot of laughs. Glad to finish it. Happy to move to the next step in the road. All in all I'd say the six weeks was not as bad as I presumed.

    Wishing all of you the best during your days of rads.

  • btwnstars
    btwnstars Member Posts: 81

    Just getting back here, been off board for a bit, life is busy...

    @Wondering44 Congrats on finishing rads! I saw your inquiry as to my oncotype score was 28, so my tumor presented more aggressive than clinical prognosis would have presumed.

    Not that it matters now, but in case someone needs for future, regarding the holiday place was also closed on Friday after Thanksgiving, so they brought me in the prior Sunday so I would still get 4 days of treatment that week, even tho 4 off. I really enjoyed the time off.

    I am not counting strictly, but I am more than halfway thru...bcz of the holidays my last day ends up being Monday, Jan 3rd. So unfortunately no grand end to the year for me. So far I have pink/tan skin. My breast has definitely shrunk/tightened as my PS said it would. It's a little strange around where my scar tissue is, I feel like I can almost see it more, but it doesn't feel different. I've been using the cream, not always remembering 3 times day.

    I started AI this week and think I am having effects from that, but could also be fatigue/build up from rads. I wish there were more grace in society and life for these experiences...I've learned you have to take the time you want, no one will offer it for you. *sigh*

    @mle42 - hope you are doing well!

    @mamacure - port removal is no biggie, my BS did it right in her office so I didn't have to go thru surgery ward. It has taken some time to heal up tho, but I would imagine it will get better when I get out of active treatment. Good luck & yay for last keytruda!

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    @Wondering - hooray, you're done!! Happy

    @BtwnStars - yay for being halfway through!!

    My MO plans for me to start ovarian suppression + AI after finishing radiation, so at least I don't have to cope with the side effects of both at once, that sounds rough. I'm still OK in terms of fatigue, but my skin is definitely pink and tender now. I'm at 11/33, one third done.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Great job Wondering on finishing your rads! Hope your skin faired well. Best wishes on the next steps.

    BtwnStars glad to hear that port removal will be no biggie. I may put it off until next year.

    I finished 21/30 today. RO pleased with th progress & skin. Pink, one area near the clavicle is irritated, not bad overall. I put cream twice a day. I have 2 Mepitel bandages on. RO said no more bolus & the last 5 will be boosts to the big scar. Finishing before end of the year.

    I really like Rejuvaskin (Amazon), calendula cream, and Manuka healing cream (EcoNatura) on the scar. Also using some avocado oil (Now brand) & aloe Vera gel. Rejuvaskin is my favorite.

    As for mepitel, search for ‘Mepitel CVS’ on eBay. CVS discontinued this product but you can find it on eBay. Small so you have to use 2 at a time.

    Hope everyone is having a great week! Smile, laugh, watch something funny to speed healing (I’m reading the book: Radical Remission).

    I’m trying to walk everyday to stave off fatigue but the cold/rain/hail/snow is making it challenging!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    mle42: Yay 1/3 done! I hope the rest goes fast & your skin will hold. Great job

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414

    Hey Wondering! Congrats on finishing up rads and I'm glad it was relatively easy for you. Happy holidays!

    Mamacure--I'm glad you're doing well with rads, but sad to hear that you are dealing with lymphedema. :sad: Good luck with the last Keytruda. I had my port removed a couple of days before rads and it was no big deal. I had a local anesthetic and didn't feel a thing but a bit of tugging. I was SO GLAD to ditch that thing.

    I hope all of you are doing well. Hang in there and happy holidays to all.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Thanks LW! Hope you have great Holidays too! Seriously enjoy, you deserve it!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    @HopeHeal How are you doing? Did you finish your rads? Please join us over at Serendipity’s ‘Xeloda for maintenance’ thread.

    I noticed my skin getting deep red last night, doesn’t really hurt. It made me sad. I need to stay strong. Rads are still way more easy for me than chemo. I think the rads will blast the cells so it does not come back. Ever.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    anyone else have low white blood cell count during rads? Mine went down again & getting scared!

  • HopeHeal
    HopeHeal Member Posts: 137

    Hi Mamacure, I am finishing my rads next week, thanks for asking. I am grateful I did not have much of a skin reaction, so as you have alluded, much easier than chemo except for the traveling back and forth which took some chunk out of my days. Nevertheless I used the emollients they suggested and it helped any discomfort. Sending you healing energy for your reaction and hope it gets better quickly. Are you putting anything on it? I did have one blood draw and noticed my WBC was a bit down, but I assumed it was holdover from my chemo since RO told me rads don't affect immunity. Have you talked to your RO/MO about the low WBC and what did they say? Is it super low? Looking forward to joining you over on the Xeloda thread, that's the next phase of my treatment starting in over a month. We've come a long way so far.

  • HopeHeal
    HopeHeal Member Posts: 137

    Hi Mamacure, I am finishing my rads next week, thanks for asking. I am grateful I did not have much of a skin reaction, so as you have alluded, much easier than chemo except for the traveling back and forth which took some chunk out of my days. Nevertheless I used the emollients they suggested and it helped any discomfort. Sending you healing energy for your reaction and hope it gets better quickly. Are you putting anything on it? I did have one blood draw and noticed my WBC was a bit down, but I assumed it was holdover from my chemo since RO told me rads don't affect immunity. Have you talked to your RO/MO about the low WBC and what did they say? Is it super low? Looking forward to joining you over on the Xeloda thread, that's the next phase of my treatment starting in over a month. We've come a long way so far.

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    Mamacure, my RO hasn’t requested any blood work during radiation, so I have no idea what my WBC counts are doing. You’re still on Keytruda, if I remember correctly? Would that be more likely to affect WBC than radiation? Multiple treatments at once are so difficult, with side effects from all of them. Fingers crossed that your counts go back up soon

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Thanks HopeHeal & mle42! I was beside myself yesterday with worry. I think it’s keytruda too but my MO disagrees. I hope it goes up at the next blood draw. MO wants one more keytruda session before xeloda.

    My skin is red but does not hurt. So far so good. Still have Mepitel on. One more then boosts to the scar. Scar boost simulation was not fun, my arms were killing me & fell asleep. Eager to get this done! Plan on putting Mepitel on the scars Monday. Hope everyone has a nice break over the weekend

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    Hi All!

    A little FYI…My MO recommended acupuncture to help with the brain fog and hormone blocker SEs.

    I started this past Friday for the brain fog. I have not lost my train of thought all weekend!

    My insurance does not cover it at the Cancer Center, but my Chiropractor is fully trained and managed to get it 100% covered through my medical insurance.

    So great to have brain function again. :-D

  • HopeHeal
    HopeHeal Member Posts: 137

    Thanks for sharing Wondering44. You reminded me I should schedule some acupuncture.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Thanks Wondering! I stopped accupuncture & moxa during rads but definitely will go back to get help with my brain fog.

    I finished regular rads with breath holds today! Only 5 more - boosts to the scar. I’ll be done with rads by next week. I hope everyone is doing well.

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261


    Glad you are at the end of rads. Wishing you the best during the last five treatments!