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Starting Radiation November 2021



  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    Mamacure, yay for only 5 more!!!

    I'm almost halfway done myself. Today is 16/33. My RO is very pleased with how well my skin is holding up. I can't tolerate any sort of chafing (bras, really anything except the softest of undershirts), but a lot better than I thought it would be at this point.

  • HopeHeal
    HopeHeal Member Posts: 137

    Congrats Mamacure for being into the home stretch! Those last 5 are a cinch without the breath-holding.

  • btwnstars
    btwnstars Member Posts: 81

    I also did/do have lower wbc during rads. I've had blood test every other week with it. RO said nothing like crazy concerned, but just to avoid crowds, wear mask, etc. I was doing that anyways, but I still have done some social things and so far, so good.

    My skin turned much worse in past few days...under arm and under breast much darker red, hurts a bit if I think about it. Luckily I've been so busy I haven't really stopped to think about it much. RO prescribed a different, more paste-like cream to try, I have to pick it up. RO did say it's still not that bad and as expected considering.

    Other skin is peeling (nipple which is kinda ew), but I don't itch or anything. I've been making a point to wear really soft clothes, go braless when I can, which seems to relieve.

    I do setup this afternoon for my boost and start that, for next 7 sessions..found out my scheduling was off and I will finish Tues, Jan 4th now. Never ends!

    Glad you are all are hanging in and counting down....happy holidays!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Thank you for updating us btwnstars! Hope boosts are going well for you.

    Well, I finished rads today! My upper skin is doing very well, lower by the scar & under arms are dark & peeling in spots. I can’t really feel any pain, might be numb there. Overall very tolerable treatment even at 30 sessions! I can’t yet tell how much Mepitel helped but it certainly did not hurt it. I hope skin does not worsen too much & heals fast. Another hurdle completed.

    I would be so much happier if this was it but have one more keytruda, PT sessions and 6 months of xeloda ahead of me. I hope bloodwork will be good to start xeloda. Hang in there everyone!

  • jen2957
    jen2957 Member Posts: 75

    I just wanted to chime in and congratulate those of you have finished, or almost finished, this long haul of a treatment plan. I have been keeping up with the Nov and Dec rads posts and have learned so much from you all; your encouragement to one another has also helped give me confidence as I waited for clearance to start my own treatments. I was cleared today (after recovering from a margin re-excision surgery and then finishing my tissue expander fills) for 25 sessions + 5 boosts. I get mapping done January 6, then should start sessions about a week later. I feel so much more prepared just from reading these posts.

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences and support- it is so helpful to those of us “on deck.” For those of you still powering through the last of your sessions, I’m sending you all the good vibes and best wishes for excellent outcomes with few side effects!


  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Good luck Jen on your rads. It will go pretty quick once you start. Getting over re-excision surgery must be a relief too. You will do great!

    I want to add that I was able to walk every day, at least 30-45 min each day and I think that helped me to not be fatigued. My energy was good throughout rads. Very surprising.

  • HopeHeal
    HopeHeal Member Posts: 137

    Hi Jen2957, glad we were able to help you. n addition to exercise as Mamacure mentioned, I also recommend good nutrition with a lot of fresh produce for energy and good skin quality. Hope your rads go smoothly with barely any side effects (SEs) and feel free to reach out and keep us posted.

  • alwaysmec
    alwaysmec Member Posts: 107

    Hi Everyone, it sounds like the November rads have been doing well. I started radiation on 11/29. So far it's been okay. I am about to start my last week, and have been feeling a lot of fatigue. I can still get up and walk around and do things, but my body just wants me to nap. I have to fight it to be able to take care of small household chores. For the past three days I have taken three hour long naps midday. Anyone else feeling the same? I've had 22 sessions so far.

  • jen2957
    jen2957 Member Posts: 75

    Thanks, Mamacure and HopeHeal! Excellent advice- I have been walking quite a bit lately, too, as it is a nice way to get some exercise without putting too much strain on this delightful tissue expander. I will be sure to incorporate even more nutritional and high healing value food options during rads. I have already been stretching my surgical arm/shoulder to prepare for the mapping and sessions- I can do well with straight above my head, but there is a certain rotating or twisting movement that makes it feel like I’m tearing my TE out of my chest. Hopefully, I won’t have to do too many crazy positions.

    AlwaysMeC- I have several friends who have felt fine throughout rads, then start to feel fatigued as they get close to the end of their treatments or even right after the treatments have already ended. Give yourself some grace and listen to your body when it tells you it needs a little extra time to rest. It’s hard, I know. I feel guilty if I feel like I am resorting too much, but I always remind myself that I’m actively healing and recovering from some pretty intense assaults on my body. That’s important WORK! Keep us updated on how you are feeling

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261

    mamacure - congratulations on finishing up the rads! what a great way to end the year. :-)

    Jen - best of luck to you on your rads!

    Btwnstars - Best of luck to you during your last few days!

    All - I hope all of you have a great New Year! Hopefully, many of us are celebrating our health in '22!

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    happy new year, everyone! I’m not sad to see the end of 2021, that’s for sure.

    I have finished 23 radiation treatments, 2 more whole breast+nodes, then 8 boosts to the tumor site, then I’m done!

    Fatigue also started setting in for me over the past week. I almost doze off on the radiation table, and other than making myself take a walk, spend most of the day just waiting until I can go to bed. Brain is pretty foggy. I’m very thankful my skin is holding up really well - very tender and itchy, but more uncomfortable than painful and no open blisters or anything.

    Hang in there ladies! Looking forward to a healthy 2022!!!

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    forgot I meant to ask you all…. Anybody else having headaches? I am generally prone to getting headaches, but have been getting a lot more of them lately, almostevery day instead of once every couple weeks. Wondering if it has anything to do with radiation.

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    mle42, how are your headaches? I had a few towards end of rads but nothing bad. Serendipity had lots of headaches I remember…I hope both of you guys are over the headaches now.

    It’s amazing how fast the skin heales after rads. I’m using aloe Vera gel now. Take care everyone

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    mamacure, still having headaches, unfortunately. Doesn’t help that I’m sleeping badly (I often get headaches if I don’t sleep) - I have a hell of a time falling asleep and wake up often during the night because my radiated skin ITCHES so badly. It’s like I got a wicked sunburn while sunbathing topless and then went and rolled in a a patch of poison oak. I’ve got steroid cream, benedryl cream, and even lidocaine cream…. Nothing helps much. Oh well, only TWO more treatments left to go, then I can start healing. I’m so happy to hear that you are healing quickly

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Omggg mle42! That sounds so itchy! Ask your nurse about Lindi skin cool pads. I wonder if those would help with itching. I’m sorry that you are going thru that! I had a hard time sleeping last night too & couldn’t find my melatonin so suffered thru. Lots of anxiety. You hang in there, I’m glad that you are almost done.

  • mle42
    mle42 Member Posts: 124

    I’M DONE!!!

    And I am filled with such joy at this milestone that I almost don’t care about the itching. Happy

    (Lidocaine cream is helping with that, though

  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769

    mle42 - congrats on being done!! Hoping the headaches have subsided for you!

  • mamacure
    mamacure Member Posts: 256

    Great job mle42!! Woohoo! You did it!