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Twists and turns

bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

The whole experience of stage 4 for me had been filled with twists and turns and just sheer dumb luck. Covid, delayed treatments, health issues. After attempting the oral chemo I was able to do three days before I ended up in the floor. I just ended a 12 day hospital stay where they have determined that there is no viable treatment for either my cancer or my damaged heart. I was allowed to leave the hospital but only to hospice. So my experience with Stage 4 has been short but eventful and now we just move ahead making plans to try to enjoy what's left. I'm glad there are thrivers out there. It just won't be me. I am very disheartened at the lack of compassion I have been shown by my oncologist and the cardiology team with this decision. I can take bad news, I'm a big girl but compassion is a gift and they did not extend it to me.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250


    I am so sorry that you’ve been treated with such a lack of compassion. Sadly, some people don’t possess that gift, even those in professions where it should be mandatory. Though I have no personal experience with hospice, I have heard that compassion is something they specialize in.

    Wishing you peace and comfort and most of all, compassion!

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    I have had much experience with family members in hospice, some in hospice facilities and some in home care. All received compassionate care and pain relief that cannot be provided in traditional hospital settings. I will be forever grateful for what hospice did for my mother, brothers and in-laws during their illnesses, and how our families benefited.

    May you receive all the understanding and care this worthy program can provide, Bettysgirl. Please keep us posted.


  • moissy
    moissy Member Posts: 371

    Bettysgirl - I’m so sorry for the challenges you have faced in recent months. We all need compassion, and I hope that you will find that with your hospice caregivers. My father received hospice care, and I agree with Tina that hospice staff were simply wonderful and supportive to our family. Wishing you to be surrounded with support and love.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Bettysgirl, I'm so sorry that you need to stop treatment. Wishing you peace and comfort

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    My hospice workers are great. I am holding my own on the cancer side. Post complications from covid have created issues eating as all meat and lots of food smells rotten. At this point I am weak I think from a lack of protein. But all in all I am good.

  • tina2
    tina2 Member Posts: 758

    Good to hear from you, bettysgirl. I'm sorry you're having a rotten time with food smelling bad, but happy to learn that you are doing well overall. Please tell your care team how you feel if you haven't already. Maybe they have ways to help you feel stronger.


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645

    July now and still have post covid parosmia and still cannot eat much of anything. I am holding my own with a run lately of no pain. Back is weak and I cannot walk/stand for very long but manage to get around briefly. Still in A fib and great is weak but don't have to do oxygen much. It's a blessing. Just wish I could eat😢