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Anyone scheduled for Jan yet?

dancemom Member Posts: 404

My cancelled April 2021 surgery is now supposed to happen in Jan just after the holidays. Anyone else scheduled soon? I've seen the Breast surgeon and PS again recently. Meeting with anesthesiologist (i have problems metabolizing certain classes) and radiologist next week. Then my MO clearance. My GP surgical clearance is dec 27. my Covid clearance Dec 30 then quarantine 🤞🤞🤞. I hope the NYstate of emergency doesn't affect it!

So much for the holidays.



  • Les707
    Les707 Member Posts: 6

    I see my surgeon tomorrow 12/13 and may receive my date for surgery in January then. I still have one more of 6 chemo treatments to go on 12/22 and then I remember her saying it would be approx 4 weeks until surgery. I am trying to gather all of my questions regarding my lumpectomy today so that I prepared. I know she will be removing sentinel nodes as well and I want to use the next few weeks to get prepped.

    I have also had a bevy of side effects from chemo, one of which is not being able to eat. I would love time to have the chance to eat and build up some reserves in energy before surgery.

    I am in CA and so far hospitals are clear for procedures. All the best with your surgery.

    ps - Jan is also my birthday month

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553

    I'm scheduled for a completion ALND and port removal in January.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    happy early birthday les707. Funny, I was originally Scheduled for my surgery ON my birthday!

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    Gb2115 I hope the procedure goes easy for you.

    I am confused, isn't ANLD done in initial surgery?

    I am de novo stage iv so I have only had meds and 10thousand scans so far.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    so, I am still on for Jan 3 as far as I know. But its not looking good around here. Pediatrician's office just sent out a letter saying due to holidays and the recent surge, they are overwhelmed. All well-child visits for over age 6 months are being postponed. No vaccine only appointments. And please do not try to contact them about non-urgent matters. Ugh

  • emstein
    emstein Member Posts: 24

    Hi! I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy on 1/4. Dancemom- I hope you can still have your surgery on 1/3. Crossing my fingers for you and for all of us scheduled in January.

    I have my covid test on 1/2, and nuclear medicine appointment on 1/3. hoping I stay covid-free but Omicron is a bit scary right now. We are traveling for the holidays and staying with family who are all vaccinated and boosted. And we're testing before seeing anyone. We decided to take the risk because visiting folks and staying busy feels better than sitting at home getting anxious about surgery.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553

    Hi Dancemom...yeah, it normally is. The intraoperative sentinel node biopsy looked clear. Then when it was sent out they found that the two nodes were quite positive. I don't know how they missed it, but needless to say I was blindsided at my post surgical follow up. We decided to delay until after chemo because my pec muscle that wraps near the axillary area kept seizing up after the mastectomy and I was concerned about having another assault to the area so soon. Also MO said to wait.

    I'm nervous about covid affecting this surgery. It's a minefield right now. I'm trying to convince myself that if things get delayed, it's ok.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    yes Jan people, it will be ok eventually 🤞. The stress is just so hard. The work arrangements, the childcare arrangements, the quarentine arrangements...all could change and that is stressful. My SIL is an anesthesiologist and when her youngest got covid, she had to suddenly quarentine with no time to fine a replacement and they cancelled 4 surgeries that day. I just found out I was exposed. Tried 2 places for tests today, but was too late. Lines are hours. So, I'm gonna do what I planned. Sit home with my kids and play games for a few days. My official pre-op test is Dec 30 and official quarentine starts then.

    Stay stong💪

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    gb2115, im so sorry you have to do it again.

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553

    Thank you, Dancemom!

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    did my covid test, hospital said results hopefully in 24 hours but all labes are overwhelmed right now. I have a few days. Got calls from every Dr's coordinators and the hospital where surgery is scheduled. Nuclear meds appt is 9 am Mon, then I "read a book" until 1. Ugh, no water?!!! Its going to be like Yom Kippur without the long walk, comfy sofa and family to grumble with.

    Moving forward...

  • clematisgal
    clematisgal Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I am scheduled for lumpectomy and lymph node removal 1/6. I have three upcoming appointments in preparation for the surgery. Hoping very much for no sentinel node involvement, because it will mean that I need both radiation and chemo. I have systemic lupus and have no idea what to expect with this cancer treatment in the case of having lupus. I am just living one day at a time and trusting in God. Good wishes, to everyone of us with this dreaded disease and its treatments.
  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    clematisgal, autoimmune stuff is already hard, I'm sorry you have to go through that. (I realize this is much less severe, I was hospitalized a while ago for EOE which is now semi controlled through diet, I stopped the steroids with the cancer diagnosis. Once the cancer is under control I am to go back to gastro)

    But ladies, i realize this is all next year! I was told that what ever you are doing at the turn of the year is what you will spend the year doing. For years, I performed on New years eve. Now we do a family hug. At 11:59:50 i plan to be dancing, hugging my family (the ones here and in my mind the ones far) and thinking of you!

  • hippmark
    hippmark Member Posts: 97

    Hi clematisgal. I just had my surgery one week ago. I have Lupus too. I have yet to find out the result of the 1 sentinel node they took, but they thought it might be negative. I have a milder case of Lupus, mostly discoid that seems to be dormant at the moment. I spoke with my radiologist about rads due to my Lupus. He said that because it was on the lighter side, he did not see a challenge. The chemo would not be a challenge with Lupus in terms of giving it, but if you already have fatigue from Lupus, that you might be more fatigued with the chemo. I hope your surgery goes well! Ask your Doctors for certain how your type of Lupus might be effected by different treatments. Best wishes!

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    Ok, it's January! Here we go, good luck!

    Covid test AT the HOSPITAL arranged by them took 54 hours to get results. "Not detected", so looks like I'm good to go.

    Good wishes to you all for healthy healing.

  • emstein
    emstein Member Posts: 24

    Dancemom- hooray! So glad it’s a go for you.

    Clematisgirl- I am also hoping for no sentinel node involvement and understand your concerns. I also deal with autoimmune stuff, including colitis and that’s a big question mark. I mean I will do everything anyone tells me to do to treat this, but hoping for a simpler outcome.

    Hipmark- hopefully you get your node biopsy results soon. How was your lumpectomy?

    I had my covid test today, tomorrow is my seed placement, and then surgery on Tuesday. Hoping this is all manageable and looking forward to it being behind me.

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    emstein what is seed placement?

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    Primary tumor (and boob) OUT. funny, i was so worried about the nuclear medicine injection, it wasn't terrible. Not nice, but along the pain lines of a big dental injection. Currently doped up being cared for by great nurses. Glad to be moving forward.

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224


    Found out today my surgery date is set for January 26th. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node done in August but there was DCIS in the margins so now I’m doing a oncoplastic reduction and after radiation.

    Im kinda nervous with omicron circulating so much where I am. I have two small kids and a teenager so I feel like there is a good chance I’m getting omicron in the next two weeks. Booooo……..

    Hopefully I’m able to keep my Jan 26th surgery date. Im triple vaccinated but my booster was beyond the 10 week mark.

    Good luck to all you other Jan people!

  • rach3lnyc
    rach3lnyc Member Posts: 2

    I was diagnosed mid-Dec and am hoping for a surgery date this month. Fingers crossed. I'm nervous about this omicron wave so I just want to get it done!

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553

    My Jan 6th surgery was bumped to the 18th because of having covid. I hope I'm well enough on the 18th for surgery and that I don't catch additional illness while waiting. I have to go back to work tomorrow so hopefully I'm nicely immune now...

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    sorry it had to be rescheduled, waiting is so hard. it will be a huge relief when its done, so hang on.

  • NextStorm
    NextStorm Member Posts: 4

    Just got a call today, and I now have my surgery date (January 13th) and a new surgeon who I've never met. :-/

    If I'd gone with the surgeon I was expecting to have, it would have been a longer wait. Not thrilled about that, but it sure doesn't make any sense to wait longer than necessary!

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224

    Oh gb2115, I'm sorry to hear you 1) have Covid 2) had your surgery delayed.

    NextStorm- I'm sorry you have a bee surgeon. That also is a difficult place to be.

    My surgery got scheduled for end of January. They just approved fourth doses for immunocompromised people where I am from so I went and got my second full strength Moderna. I had a choice between 50mcg for this booster or 100mcg. I had two Pfizer's and one 100mcg Moderna before this. I'm nervous about side effects but figured I'd feel better with 100mcg Moderna with my surgery in 3 weeks and one unvaccinated preschooler going to daycare everyday. She’s a germ factory for sure!

    I'm sorry all is January surgeries are having to navigate all of this during omicron. I though having chemo during delta sucked, but this also severely sucks. I just hope the 6th wave and a new strain doesn't pop up during my radiation!

  • dancemom
    dancemom Member Posts: 404

    Going into this i was so afraid of not being prepared, so the lists in the section about surgery are VERY helpful. I have limited space, so was very careful about extra stuff. I bought some soft cotton button down pjs and button shirts, a wedge, a reader pillow with arms (to be handed on to tween) two post surgical camis with velcro drain holders ( insurance covers) And some surgical supplies- gloves, hand sanitizer, individual alcohol wipes, and bathing wipes, and the hospital have me more of each. The hospital also gave me an extra one of the little velcro post surgical bras. The drains came with clips. The hospital pharmacy had my list of OTC and prescriptions ready to pick up at discharge.

    So I am currently in the surgical dressing, the hospital bra, the cami with the drains in the holders AND clipped (I'm paranoid), and pjs. I sleep on the wedge w 2 soft pillows making a little middle indent, a little pillow under my arm on surgery side, and my head on a travel neck pillow-- putting the back of my head in the little middle hole has kept me from rolling, and fairly comfortable. I sat staring at tv for a long time with the reading pillow.

    The biggest help has been my daughter who has been keeping track of my meds and OPENING them. I can't squeeze my surgery hand! I have one little dinosaur arm w my elbow held in tight. She also helps with the drains cuz you really need two hands to squeeze those. The phone alarm set for every 6 hours detailing each med to take is also great.

    Im getting pretty itchy, but It's not been nearly as bad as I feared so far.

    I also want to add that all the women taking care of me were amazing- yes, every single Dr (anesthesia, breast surgeon, plastic surgeon) and my post op nurses and hospital nurses are all woman. The only guy taking care of me was my pre-op nurse. (He was good too)

    Edit to add i also got this little mastectomy pillow which was great to have on the car ride home.

    Look what I found on Etsy:

  • gb2115
    gb2115 Member Posts: 553

    I used the mastectomy shirts after my mastectomy from the same lady on Etsy, pink pepper. So helpful. I learned after my lumpectomy in 2016 that over the head shirts = misery. I bought 2 more for my upcoming ALND since she said I'll have a drain. I figure I might want to wear them to work for a bit too. I wear scrubs and the tops can be hard to get on with the lymph node pain. I think the mastectomy tops will look ok with my scrub bottoms. I usually wear a zip sweatshirt in the office anyway. I'm still lopsided and braless. I haven't gone to get a prosthesis because the bra strap would be right over my port which juts out (I don't have much meat there). But the port is coming out soon...can go shopping maybe in the spring. Kind of used to lopsided though, I don't care that much, lol.

  • emstein
    emstein Member Posts: 24

    the seed placement was a radioactive seed placed near the tumor so the surgeon could find it easily during surgery. I *think* this is in place of a wire on surgery day.

  • emstein
    emstein Member Posts: 24

    hi all, just wanted to pop in and say the lumpectomy was ok- really not bad. I used tons of lidocaine cream the morning of so the blue dye injection was not painful at all. I’m still resting at home because, even with a bra on, when I walk around the gravity makes my incisions painful.

    So happy for those in this thread who are done with surgery and thinking positive thoughts for those still waiting.

  • 1982m
    1982m Member Posts: 224

    Happy healing emstein!

    I had a lumpectomy in Aug and the worst was the sentile node site. The nerve healing bugged me for weeks. Felt like someone rubbed a Brillo pad underneath my armpit- not at the site but under.

    Hope you continue to heal well.

  • emstein
    emstein Member Posts: 24

    thank you 1982M! Yes the incision on top of my boob is totally fine. It’s the one in my armpit that feels scratchy. And I also feel it whenever I move my arm or flex my hand in a certain way. Fun times! But overall, this is totally do-able. Hope that helps some nerves for anyone scheduled for an upcoming lumpectomy. You got this.