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fibroadenoma but need to rule out phyllodes - common?

BootsieLoff Member Posts: 1
edited October 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I'm 40 years old, 2 little terrorist kiddos 3 and 11 months

I had two biopsies done a week ago on an oval circumscribed mass and a lobulated hypo echo in mass

the results came back

“Histology indicative of fibroadenoma"

but now they want to do follow up imaging to document stability and “more definitively exclude possibility of phyllodes tumor"

Q. How common is this after a biopsy?

I'm being referred to a breast surgeon at compass oncology and am hopefully getting all the genetic testing done.

Q. Which tests should I advocate for?

I feel so lost still

Was really hoping to feel relieved after my results


  • smoothoperator78
    smoothoperator78 Member Posts: 72

    Hi Bootsy,

    fibroadenoma is benign and won't need treatment. The further testing is to more completely rule out a kind of rar breast tumor that is usually also benign, but fast growing.

    Not sure why you are being referred to a surgeon at this point because the current results are pretty good that you won't need any surgery.

    If you want to have a better look at lifetime risk, get a genetic test for breast and gyno cancer risk.

  • msradar
    msradar Member Posts: 13

    I had a biopsy last week that should hylanized fibroadenoma. The reason for the biospy is micro- calcifications. I was told benign and follow up with next mammo and ultrasound in 6 months. I also have a cyst with debris seen on ultrasound in the other breast. I saw the breast surgeon because I was having issues with the breast marker(I'm allergic and want it out NOW) its leaking and bleeding and trying to force its way out the skin.

    I would follow up with the surgeon she maybe able to give you more insight. Mine told me suck it up and deal with the clip and if it doesn't settle down she will remove it with the marker January 17th in the OR with a regular open incision.

    I'm seeking another opinion on this. They put it in sterotactic, and they took out the samples that they can go backing and suck up this horrid clip. Ugh...I am so disgusted with these doctors and this process.

    I hope you get some answers and all heals up with out issue and no further treatment is needed.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304

    msradar - based on your other posts, you have completed all testing and DO NOT have breast cancer. So it's probably a good idea if you don't give advice to others.

  • i don't know if i'd say "common" but clearly a few of us are on here waiting for excisional  biopsy results because we were informed that phyllodes was strongly suspected and waiting for the final report, post-lumpectomy. i'm not sure why you'd have more imaging recommended now, unless you're talking about the mammogram in six months which amounts to "watch and wait" which i get probably isn't the world's biggest get out of jail free card.... i guess i'm not really sure what you're communicating here, but a cyst with debris is fine, a clip is a clip, benign is great news and that's maybe why you're line of questioning is a little more offensive to some of us than you might realize.

  • in any case, if i'm misunderstanding you and you're being adised to get more imaging done now, i'd get a second opinion because the next step if phyllodes can't be ruled out after a core or "punch" biopsy is to remove the mass and send it back to the lab to be examined in its entirety. if you're wanting imaging done now because you're sweating the six month wait, it won't tell you anything you don't already know (or not know). be glad you have some down time, if that's the case, and that you're hearing "benign."  amd tpo much imaging, which insurance doesn't cover unless you're instructed to have it, can lead to unnecessary butchering so please be careful about that.