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Focal asymmetry in sub aerola region left breast

lorrieroma Member Posts: 13
edited January 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I just received my mammogram on 12/29. They received the above report on the same day. Has anyone had something like this? I am all confused. I have to get a 3D mammogram now. My dr would not even tell me why I needed a 3D soba gram. I had to call the hospital and get a little information. My doctor never called either. I had to message them.


  • mfk
    mfk Member Posts: 35

    I can't speak to the specifics of the focal asymmetry, but getting a 3D mammogram is not unusual these days. I've been getting them at routine screenings since 2018. The results will hopefully provide the clarity that you seek. Tomosynthesis mammography does increase the detection of breast cancer, but it also decreases the number of false positive call backs. Perhaps they don't have much to tell you at this point because they need better images to determine next steps. The call backs can definitely be unnerving, having had quite a few over the past fifteen years.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear lorrieroma,

    Welcome to the BCO community. We are sorry that these changes in your breast health have brought you here. There is a topic in this forum entitled Common Questions about Imaging. Perhaps there is some information there that might be a help to you. Keep us posted and let us know how we can be of help.

    The Mods

  • lorrieroma
    lorrieroma Member Posts: 13

    now they have me going to a horrible breast diagnostic place. Do we as patients have rights. Hell no! My doctors office is a joke.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    Is there some reason you can't go to a different place? It shouldn't matter where the scans are done, they will still send them back to your doctor.

  • lorrieroma
    lorrieroma Member Posts: 13

    I guess not. That’s the good ole USA

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    What do you mean? I'm in the USA and I've done scans in several different places. Unless there's literally no other nearby options you should be able to go somewhere else if you want.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946

    I can't figure out what exactly is making you angry. Getting your results right away is a good thing. Getting a 3-D do-over when there's something questionable is a good thing; it's usually to rule out any problems. Going to a breast center is a good thing because they are specialists in breasts.

  • lorrieroma
    lorrieroma Member Posts: 13

    I apologize…. I would like to go back to where I originally got my mammogram. Makes no sense to send me elsewhere when my records are at the place I usually go to. I am so nervous…….and 😳 scared. I have been through so much. I lost my son, mom, dad and husband in 4.5 years. Everyone……. My heart has not even begun to heal. Now this….. and I am alone….. seems like you have been through a lot too. I’m so sorry for you too! Life is so unfair….

  • salamandra
    salamandra Member Posts: 749

    Hi lorrieroma,

    It sounds like you've had a nightmare few years and you're working at the very edges of your capacity - as any of us would be. Life can be cruel, I'm so sorry.

    The thing is that the place you originally went to probably doesn't do 3D mammograms (a special machine and training is needed)- if they did they would likely have used it for your first screening. A 3d mammogram and sono might be a way to avoid an unneeded biopsy, or make a biopsy easier. So it is well worth doing.

    You might be able to call and confirm, and see whether they can arrange it for you. But FWIW I had my mammogram and biopsy at a specialized radiology place and my experience was very good at least in terms of the procedures.

    I also found that my referring doctor was not too useful. The radiology place and the doctor's office had issues with their faxing technology and my doctor couldn't even get the results. Once I sent her the malignant results, there really wasn't much she could tell me that I hadn't found with a very basic internet search. She's a gynecologist not an oncologist, and was very careful about staying within her realm of expertise..

    Every little thing is going to be harder at a time in your life like this. Wishing you all possible healing and peace, and hoping that the follow-up mammogram is clear!

  • lorrieroma
    lorrieroma Member Posts: 13

    Thank you for being so kind. I had not had a mammogram in years! I got a 3D scheduled and a sonogram at the original place. You are so young! I’m Italian and worry constantly. Plus I just keep losing weight 93 pounds today. Maybe it’s the diabetes or cancer. Find out on Thursday. I can’t go through this. Feel like I am falling apart. God is not answering my prayers. How did you know yours was malignant?

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946

    It sounds like you also need a good general physical if you're losing so much weight. I'm not sure if breast cancer usually causes that. I lost a lot the year mine was found, but it was due to the kidney cancer - I kept losing after the lumpectomy and up until the nephrectomy two months later. There are a lot of possible causes and you'd need a complete work-up to determine the reason. You are jumping WAY ahead of yourself when you are in the early part of just getting a mammogram!

  • lorrieroma
    lorrieroma Member Posts: 13

    I have had so many issues. In 10 months diabetes, left bundle branch block -heart condition hbp. High cholesterol, liver issues, i give up!
    I ask God evetday why am i still here I am frustrated!

    On Thursday I have a mammogram and sonogram. Lot of other worries on my plate right now. This was all I needed

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    When I'm stressed out and worrying too much, I tend to lose my appetite and then lose weight because I'm not eating enough. Worrying constantly is not healthy! No matter what your test results show, it would also be a good idea to seek help with managing your anxiety and stress. ❤️

  • lorrieroma
    lorrieroma Member Posts: 13

    Taking meds not helping. I read these posts and it makes me mad that so many people are going through these hard times. It's not fair! I don't know how some keep going? You are in a battle with life and death. Makes me so sad and more anxious. I go Thursday for 3d imaging and sonogram. In my sub aerola nipple left breast. I read your report and I just don't understandable. I am a nervous wreck!