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Side effects : Faslodex and problems with memory

My mom has been on Faslodex for a little more than a year and her short-term memory has been getting worse. She will often tell a story several times forgetting that she just told it 20 minutes ago. There is no family history of cognitive issues and I have a strong feeling that it is linked to Faslodex.

Are there any scientific papers, data or other credible data sources to support this claim?

I have read that estrogen plays a vital role with respect to memory functions. Since Faslodex suppresses estrogen, I am wondering if there is a link there.

Are there any blood tests I can ask my mom to take that can cast some light on what might be going on?



  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605
    edited January 2022

    How old is she? I don't know if Faslodex can cause that kind of memory problem but it's common as people age, whether there's a family history or not. Might be good to make an appointment with her primary care doctor.

    You can check the Faslodex documentation to see if it mentions memory problems. They will list every known side effect no matter how rare it is.

  • vlnrph
    vlnrph Member Posts: 508
    edited January 2022

    Certainly, be sure her primary care provider is aware of this as Parakeets suggests. A thorough evaluation to rule out other possible contributory conditions such as thyroid or vascular problems is probably warranted. At a minimum, the Mini-Mental/MMSE can provide a baseline score.

    I find very few neurological side effects listed in the prescribing information by AstraZeneca, mostly headache. Fatigue is associated with dementia so that’s something to consider. Perhaps you could fill in her history with more details. Chemo brain might also be a factor. Does she have pain?

    Faslodex decreases the activity of estrogen by destroying cell receptors, not diminishing the production as with aromatase inhibitors. Still, the loss of everyone’s favorite female hormone impacts multiple body systems Personally, the hair follicles in my scalp feel sore!

  • murfy
    murfy Member Posts: 258
    edited January 2022

    Estrogen is important in brain function, especially in the neural processing of sensory integration, modulation of social behavior, and in cognition. As a woman ages and ovarian estrogen decreases, the brain compensates by increasing aromatase activity and the number of ERa in the brain. So, it makes sense that Faslodex (and, likely, aromatase inhibitors as well) could have effects on memory in some individuals. I can vouch for exemestane causing my brain fog/memory issues. When I took an extended AI holiday, it, and many other lo-estrogen issues, cleared up.

    Here is a link to a new, in-depth review article on the subject...