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33 Years Old and Concerned

Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

Hi everyone! Yesterday, I had a diagnostic mammogram and follow-up ultrasound as I was having some odd pain in my left breast. This was my first ever mammogram. No family history of breast cancer that I’m aware of.

My breast also feels dense compared to my right. The pain started about two weeks ago and subsided within a few days, but I still wanted to get it checked out. Well fast forward to yesterday, the outcome of my visit was BIRADS 4 and two biopsies are needed, at least one with guided ultrasound The Radiologist seemed very concerned. This was totally unexpected so I’m now just going through the motions and waiting for the call to schedule my biopsies. He shared that he will place me in priority order. I’m just in need of some encouragement and advice. Everything has happened so fast and I’m slowly absorbing this news. I appreciate you all!


  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Member Posts: 83

    I know that this is terribly frightening for you and I hope you can try to stay positive. BIRADS 4 means that they are suspicious but it doesn't necessarily mean a malignancy. My dear friend was also BIRADS 4 and her biopsy results came back negative for cancer. In my experience,(I was BIRADS 5 with a necrotic lymph node) all my biopsies were guided by ultrasound but one was guided by mammogram and far more invasive. Hopefully, they will get you in quickly and typically the results come back in just a couple of days so you will have some answers. It could just be a cyst or an infection of the breast? The waiting is definitely the hardest part, but you will get through this. Thinking of you and sending good vibes your way!


  • Godzgirl2
    Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

    Sabbymama thank you so much for the encouragement! I’m hoping and praying the same. I will definitely keep you all abreast of the outcome. I’m also keeping you in my prayers as well! This forum has truly been a Godsend.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    Godzgirl2, I just wanted to say I’m thinking of you and hope for benign results. Yes, please keep us posted.

  • Godzgirl2
    Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

    KBL thank you so much

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950


  • rah2464
    rah2464 Member Posts: 1,192

    Godzgirl2 good for you for being your own best advocate and understanding something wasn't right in your body. Birads 4 designation does mean more likely than not benign conditions. If you are classified as a birads 5, then there is very strong certainty of malignancy. It sounds as though you have a proactive medical team in place which is so important. I myself went through one of these scares when I was 30 , although I wound up having an excisional biopsy because the mass was so strange looking. I do remember hearing that my risk of malignancy was lower simply because of my younger age. I also recall that particular bit of information didn't help me that much at the time.

    The biopsy process is relatively painless, it is the emotional energy that is hard to manage. Try and do some activities to get your mind off things and don't google. It just won't be helpful. Wishing you a quick appointment and a benign result.

  • Godzgirl2
    Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

    Hi Rah2464. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words! These last two days have been filled with so much emotion. Every time I think I’m okay, I end up breaking down. I guess it’s a part of the process. I hope to get the biopsy scheduled soon so that I can get some answers.

    Again, thank you so much and I’m praying for you as well!

  • Godzgirl2
    Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to update you that I received my results today. IDC and DCIS in my left breast, very early stage. I meet with my Breast Surgeon Friday for next steps. I thank you all for your encouraging words. Time to beat this!

  • elamom
    elamom Member Posts: 37


    I was just reading through this thread yesterday and wondering what the outcome was. Thanks for updating. Sorry for your diagnosis, but glad it was caught early.

    Best of luck to you

  • Godzgirl2
    Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

    Elamom, thank you for your kind words and support. Much appreciated

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Member Posts: 1,192

    Godzgirl2 well heck, sorry you are joining our sisterhood. I am very thankful you have found this early and you are moving forward with appropriate treatment. Sending you ((hugs)) This site is a wealth of experience, kindness, understanding, and information. I know the posters on hear really helped me navigate my path through diagnosis and treatment. My very best to you.

  • Godzgirl2
    Godzgirl2 Member Posts: 11

    Rah, thank you so much for your kind words! Much appreciated!

  • liz268605
    liz268605 Member Posts: 2

    I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but so glad you were proactive!! I believe this makes all the difference. I was wondering if you’d share more about the pain you experienced that lead you to the dr. I am experiencing something similar and of course at very worried. I see my doctor on Thursday. Thank you!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    liz268605, I just wanted to jump in and say that Godzgirl2 hasn’t been back on the forum since February 8th. She may not see this. I hope your doc finds nothing of concern, but please come back and let us know how it goes.

  • liz268605
    liz268605 Member Posts: 2

    I wanted to get back to you and let you know that I met with my doctor yesterday. The lump I felt, has since disappeared and he suspects it was a cyst as my exam was normal. He did order a baseline mammogram (I’m 35) in case of future issues so we have something to compare to. He did say he was confident I had dense breasts so not to be alarmed if I was asked to come back for additional images. Thank you for your care and concern! It’s appreciated!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    liz268605, that’s great news. Please know if you ever need support, this is the place to be.