MD Anderson

For those of you who have gone to MD Anderson for consultation - is there a difference between the main campus and the other MD Anderson sites in the surrounding area? I can’t get into the main campus until March but can get into the other sites earlier. Any recommendations on oncologists there? I want to do this right the first time if I’m traveling this far. Thanks…
Tack33, I’ve been at MDA for 5 years now and yes, there are differences but I do not think it affects the quality of care. Many satellite locations do not have all the equipment that the main campus and mays clinic does, so there might be a little more in city travel, however, there are doctors, exam rooms, chemo and radiation areas.
I’ve only had my original MO at Mays bldg, so I don’t know the others but I did have my initial radiation at the Katy location and my current infusions at West Houston without issues.
Personally, I wouldn’t be too concerned about seeing an oncologist at an area location, they are MDA and the standard of care and treatment should not differ.
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Tack33, my son is currently being treated at both the main campus and the Woodlands site, depending on what the appointment is for. As Illimae said, not all sites have all of the equipment but each is still MDA.