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Upset at my Dr.

Hello tamoxifen sisters.

I just got home from my first consult with gyno/onco due to a thickened endometrium which was an incidental finding during CT Scan.

Since CT is not the best imaging for the uterus she ordered a vaginal ultrasound.

What’s upsetting is she said, it’s a polyp, a fibroid or cancer. If it’s not a polyp or a fibroid it’s cancer!

I know that the lining can be thick due to many reasons (tamoxifen being one) and not necessarily means cancer for sure,like she said.

The lack of empathy amazes me, throwing the word cancer to a cancer survivor like it’s nothing.

I just want to know if any of you had a thick lining and what treatments you needed and how everything turned out.

I know she isn’t right but it’s hard to not let the word cancer get to me, and I am in serous need of some encouraging experiences.



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,358
    edited February 2022

    I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope that it is nothing but unsure why you’re upset with your doctor. She was honest and gave you three possibilities, two of which are not cancer. I know you are a cancer survivor but I hope that all doctors would be straight shooters when exploring a situation like yours regardless of whether one has had cancer or not. Wishing you all the best and benign findings as well.

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658
    edited February 2022


    I had a thickened lining on tamoxifen and developed a large polyp. I think that is not uncommon with tamoxifen.

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,965
    edited February 2022

    Long before I had breast cancer, I had endometrial cancer. The gynecologist I saw assumed "middle-aged lady parts problems" and that went on for two years. I had ultrasounds out - or rather up - the wazoo frequently during that time. It wasn't until one of his partners was filling in and insisted I have a biopsy that the cancer was found. So please do have the ultrasound, although it's not necessarily the definitive diagnostic tool, and congratulations on having a doctor who is willing to have every possibility on the examining table.

    And let me know if you need to talk to someone who has coped with more than one cancer, should the need arise. I seem to collect them like a berserk hobby.

  • livinginparadise
    livinginparadise Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2022

    I guess I'm upset because I know there are many other reasons why one could have a thick lining and she was kinda fed up with my questions (I ask lots of questions) and sorta delivered that tidbit in a very rude manner, maybe I'm sensitive cause J hate going to the hospital but I didn't like her delivery.

    I'm also a multiple cancer survivor (1xbreast 2xthyroid) and no worries, I will definitely have the ultrasound. I'm a pro at tests

  • livinginparadise
    livinginparadise Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2022

    Thank you for sharing that, I know I ask lots of questions but I like to know everything hehe and I want to be an advocate for myself so I need all the info.

    It’s for all sisters haha, not just the ones taking tamo. I addressed them because I know it can cause thickening but I am thankful for all you guys posting here and sharing.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,358
    edited February 2022

    I understand now. Tone, which is difficult to replicate on a forum like this, can really make all the difference. Take care .