How quickly do tumor markers drop during treatment?

I have been on Abraxane since the end of September. My tumor markers dropped but they are dropping slowly. I haven’t seen my MO to ask him since I saw my last marker so I’m asking all you knowledgeable people. This is how much they have been dropping. Is this too slow? This last time they didn’t drop from previous check.
9/20/21 CA 27-29 219.8
9/30/21 CA 27-29 158.3
10/28/21 CA 27-29 105.9
11/24/21 CA 27-29 102.6
12/30/21 CA 27-29 96.6
2/3/22 CA 27-29 96.6
It hasn’t gone up which I’m happy about, but is this too slow? Anyone else have something similar?
JACK5IE, when I was first diagnosed in 2019, my 27-29 was 490. I was on Ibrance and Letrozole for two years. I never felt they dropped sufficiently. Since I’ve been on Capecitabine (Xeloda) in September, they have come down a little quicker. I was at 374 in September. They’ve come down to 152, and that’s the lowest since diagnosis. I feel it’s going down nicely.
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My oncologist said tumor markers are so unreliable she doesn't depend on them and she's never gone over them with me. I've never known what mine are at any time. She said they cause too much stress over what's often nothing. So basically, the rate yours are changing may or may not even be important.0 -
ParakeetsRule, that is true for a lot of people, but they work for me. With ILC being so sneaky, it’s one if the only things I have, that and when I have trouble eating, I know there’s an issue. I also think JACK5IE’s tumor markers work as well. It’s the ones who have cancer everywhere and their tumor markers have always been normal. If mine were like that, I would not count on them.
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Thank you ladies. I appreciate your input on this.
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I think it varies from person to person -- or cancer to cancer. My TMs made dramatic plunges on taxol, xeloda, and neratinib, and the scans later confirmed the cancer had retreated. Last week I had my second dose of Enhertu, and am hoping for the same, but based on how my TMs behave, I am worried because the first dose did not do it.
I would say you have a nice steady downward trend. I'd be happy with that.
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Jack5ie, I think a nice steady drop is a great thing.
Following a fail on Ibrance, I started xeloda, tukysa, kanjinti (herceptin biosimilar) in Dec. and my tumor marker CA 27-29 dropped from 97 in Nov. to 31, normal range, in early March blood test. I was so excited. BUT, on the March 22 blood test the 27-29 was back up to 49. I have a scan tomorrow and now I'm concerned it's going to show progression.
Has anyone else had a drop on 27-29, but then a rise. If you did, did it mean anything? I'm hoping it's just a glitch. But, I've been on such an emotional rollercoaster lately that I'm freaking out just a little bit, nah, a lot. Glad this forum is back up to enable us to talk to people who understand the anxiety and stress this damn disease causes.
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Another slow drop for me, but I’ll take it.
3/24/2022 CA 27-29…92.4
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Mine have always fluctuated a bit- always dropped quickly with a new treatment and then plateau and fluctuate a little. when I have progressed they have often doubled in one month. I have always felt great with progressions so that never was a clue. on Xeloda they dropped quite dramatically and are now rising slowly but, steadily and scans show mild progression. I think mine work, but, I agree they also cause stress.
I would be happy with your trend also
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TM’s up a lot. They were 92.4 in March and jumped to 147.4 yesterday. Of course it came in on the portal after hours. I’m petrified and having bouts of crying all over again. I was looking forward to reading results because I just knew they must have dropped significantly this time. My scans in Feb/March were good and feeling pretty good overall. You can imagine my shock.
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Hi jack5ie,
I’m so sorry your TMs have jumped. I’m in a similar place, just looked at the blood work and my markers have also gone up, not down. It looks like we have a similarly muted response from our TMs based on your numbers. Mine only changed subtly for years, bouncing between 35 and 43. Many people have numbers in the thousands. As a result, my MO rarely checked them.
Fast forward to the last few months, I failed two treatments back to back and my liver mets kept progressing. It turns out there was also progression in the spine (not clear on CT but showed up on MRI - just finished five sessions of radiation to deal with nerve issues). MO checked TM before I started Xeloda and it was 156. I was surprised he ordered the test again so quickly but now, with one chemo cycle under my belt it’s up to 173). 🤨 Going the wrong way!
I know it’s difficult but try not to stress. Sometimes TMs can bounce around and I’ve heard from others who had a flare before they went down. Sending a virtual hug.
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Thanks sadiesservant. I needed to read that. Trying not to stress, but you know how that goes. Sending hugs back.
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TMs can be so stressful - mine bounce around a little also - sometimes the progression is tiny though or they go back down the next month. Supposedly other things can make them elevate also.
When is your next scan?0 -
Hi jack5ie, I realized after I posted that I may have misled you on numbers. I see you are looking at CA 27-29. My TMs are CA 15-30. I am not sure if the lower numbers are typical for that TM. I know often 15-30 is off the charts but, for me, these are high numbers.
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nkb…he told me 3 months so I last had them in February which would be this month. I’m sure when I talk to him about this he’ll be sending me for them.
Sadiesservant…that’s ok. I got what you were saying.
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CT Scan and Bone Scan both tomorrow. Could use some pocket duty and if you are a religious person, prayers will be great too. Thank you.
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Good luck to you Jack5ie sendinghugs from the U.K.
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Good luck to you Jack5ie sending hug from the U.K.