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Calcifications - waiting for biopsy results

Elsa2022 Member Posts: 2


I've recently been troubled by an itchy left nipple. Saw my GP who prescribed anti fungal cream. Helped a bit but then itchiness recurred. Went back to see different GP who did full physical breast exam - found no abnormalities, lumps or anything but decided to refer me to breast clinic to make sure all was ok. Had 1st appointment on Monday- saw consultant who also could feel nothing untoward on examination. Then had mammogram & ultrasound - I was then told there was an area of abnormality in my right breast - not what I was expecting at all! They mentioned calcifications & I was booked in for core biopsy the following day which I attended.
I have to go back for results next Monday. In the meantime, I'm concerned & feel very worried - I felt quite ill informed at the clinic & because I was taken unawares I didn't really ask any questions.
Of course I've googled calcifications & found all sorts of cancer diagnoses!

Looking for any comforting/supportive advice in the meantime. I'm 65, non smoker & no family history of BC


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear Elsa2022,

    Welcome to the BCO community. We are so glad that you posted your story here. We are sure that others will come along shortly to offer support. Here is a link to Common Questions about Breast Imaging including Calcifications. Maybe stay away from Google for a bit as that can be overwhelming at this point. Another tip might be to take someone with you to the follow up appointment next week. We say that not because we think there is anything wrong but because most people find it hard to ask questions and to take in information at a doctor's appointment when worried (which is normal). Keep us posted and feel free to reach back to us with further questions.

    The Mods

  • Suzzflwr
    Suzzflwr Member Posts: 16

    I also had a screening Mamo on Jan 31. I got called back for a diagnostic mamo and ultrasound on Feb 3rd. Going in for a core needle biopsy tomorrow. This is the diagnosis from diagnostic mamo.

    SUSPICIOUS. BI-RADS CATEGORY 4. A 1.6 cm focal asymmetry with associated
    calcifications in the left breast is suspicious and biopsy is recommended.

    I had a lump last year with a biopsy, it was benign. I also had a larger surgical biopsy about 15 years ago for calcifications.

    This is nerve wracking. My younger sister had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy

    I’m 66 years old

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,304

    Elsa & Suzz: Sorry you both find yourself here. Risk of course goes up with with age and just being a woman. But hopefully you will both end up B-9

    As Elsa found out, stay away from that fake "dr" google. Information is often out of date or downright inflammatory. This is a sate site, as are a few like NCI or Mayo. But try not to get to far ahead of yourselves in reading all the possibles. The waiting is the hardest part. Find something for escape when you're worrying - either binge watch TV, walk in the woods....

    Just to note - I've seen a number of posts that the screening results have to be stated BI-RADS 4 in order to get the insurance companies to pay for further testing. Fingers crossed. Please come back & check in.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Welcome, Suzzflwr. We're so sorry you find yourself here. We know how nerve-wracking this is, and we genuinely hope that you can feel the support here. Please keep us posted on how it goes tomorrow, keeping you in our thoughts for a swift recovery and benign results.

    The Mods

  • Suzzflwr
    Suzzflwr Member Posts: 16

    Thanks for the concern, it is appreciated. I went for the biopsy today and everything went smoothly. The radiologist and others are fantastic at the Breast imaging center I go to, they joke around and make sure you are as comfortable as possible. They said the results should be in the middle of next week hopefully.

    I am being proactive though because I have a pacemaker so radiation may be difficult if it comes back malignant and did a lumpectomy.

    Elsa I hope your results come back B9 Monday, will check in
  • Elsa2022
    Elsa2022 Member Posts: 2

    thanks suzz- fingers crossed your results come back b9 also.

  • Suzzflwr
    Suzzflwr Member Posts: 16


    Hopefully you will have good news today, if you need to talk, you can message me.


  • msozrn
    msozrn Member Posts: 6

    Hello. NEVER had any issues with a mammogram. All of a sudden, calcifications. No masses or lumps. So I got a diagnostic mammogram. I do have implants. They see a cluster of calcifications in Left breast only. No pain, etc. HELP!!! I am freaking. They were really flat here at the office. Not very compassionate. please give input.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear msozrn ,

    Welcome to the BCO community! We are sorry to hear that this news has frightened you, but are happy that you posted your concerns here. We understand how scary the unknown can be and are happy that a proactive approach was taken to get a diagnostic mammogram. Here is a link to Understanding Breast Calcifications. Keep us posted and feel free to reach back to us with further questions.

    --The Mods

  • rrobin0200
    rrobin0200 Member Posts: 80

    do you know what your Birads rating is scored as? I had a birads score of 4c, and unfortunately I was diagnosed with DCIS at 37 years old. As you can tell from my stats, I did have a double mastectomy with direct implant reconstruction. Whatever your outcome, you are strong. The waiting is the worst part of it all, in my opinion. Hoping you get benign results, but if not, please know that we are herefor you.. to lend a listening ear or to provide personal experiences and/or advice. Hang in there.