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Should I go back?

Chazxxx Member Posts: 1
edited February 2022 in Benign Breast Conditions

I've had a small lump under my nipple for probably about 3 years. Got it checked they wernt concerned. Went back like a year later as it had got bigger, nipple started inverting but she actually told me she was less concerned (she hadn't made any expression of concern before then). I pushed because of the changes, got a ultrasound scan and mamogram and then fine needle biopsy. This was july 2021. The results said "no evidence of worrying change. Biopsy showed some element of resolving inflammation and small possibility of breast trauma."

Then said "scan showed prominent milk duct with possible papilloma in it"

She did request me to go back due to the discrepancy between biopsy and scan. But as yet again they were telling me it's fine so I thought what's the point, travelling 2hours her to look and say it's fine and that theres nothing they will do about it again.

I've pretty much tried to ignore the lump since. But especially over the last few weeks/months it's quite painful. It feels like the shape of the lump has changed, it doesnt feel solid round anymore.

Cancer or not I dont want to keep wasting my time going back if they aren't going to do anything. She told me they wont remove it because of a few reasons plus I'd possibley loose sensitivity and I didn't want that, but considering the pain now, it's not like I get much pleasure out of it anyway because it hurts.

Is it worth going back considering what they say it is?


  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited February 2022

    Is there a different doctor to consult? I'm glad you had the biopsy and apparently the results were benign, but you are in pain, and it sounds like you don't particularly like or trust your doctor. But you need relief or at least better information. At any rate, I would see a doctor about it, whether it's the original doctor or not. Good luck.

  • LivinLife
    LivinLife Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2022

    I agree with MountainMia on the second opinion. I'm assuming you travel 2 hours bc there are limited options in your area. If you're unable to get a second opinion locally or at the facility you've been going, I wonder about 2 hours in the opposite direction.... Persevere, esp. b/c of the pain you're in... Hoping you get answers soon!