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Biozorb And Other Issues

Hi everyone I am new here. Been thru a lot. Went thru breast cancer 9 years ago. Stage 0 DCIS. I had some other areas as well that were questionable, so I opted to do a nipple sparring double mastectomy with reconstruction. Even though I did the genetic test and it was negative my Mom went thru breast cancer, my Dads mom passed away from Breast Cancer and so fourth. I was cancer free for nine years and then in 2019 I felt a hard painful lump. My surgeon said that the implant probably ruptured so go see the plastic surgeon. So I saw the plastic surgeon and was told they were 99 percent positive it was the implant. Well after surgery I learned it was not the implant and a mass was found. My PS performed a lumpectomy of some of the tissue and I was diagnosed with triple positive her 2. One oncologist told me it was stage 2 possibly 3 but after getting another opinion I was told it was stage 1B. I did 1 TCHP, and i had a bad reaction to the Perjeta so I did two more TCH, then another lumpectomy, 4 of 5 nodes were positive, followed by one more TCH. A total of 4 chemo. I was supposed to do 6 but I honestly couldn't handle it. I kept ending up in the hospital. I did 32 radiation treatments. That was difficult too followed by a year of herceptin. And now I get Zometa every 6 months for severe osteoporosis and take Exemestane.

I wanted everyone to know a little about my experience but wanted to talk about Biozorb. I had this put in during my lumpectomy. It was supposed to be used as a target marker for radiation and dissolve. Well it never did and now almost three years later I am finding myself in severe pain from it. I am going to be getting it removed soon and I was wondering if anyone else had this Biozorb marker placed or issues from it. Thanks!! :)