Ultrasound guided biopsy

hi, I'm new to the forum and had a biopsy today. The technician that was doing the ultrasound for it was prepping me and ran the ultrasound over my armpit and took a bunch of images. My mass is 1.2 cm at 6:00 on right breast and no mention has been made of my armpit at all, I'm a nervous wreck and just wondering if it's standard for them to do this type of thing? I am also Bi-rads 4 if that matters.
Yep. Totally standard. You will see results of the ultrasound in your imaging report. Itwill state whether or not they see signs of node involvement. They are really just looking at everything. Depending on you biopsy results you may have a breast MRI with and without contrast. All the tests and images will help a surgeon make decisions with you if your biopsy results are positive for cancer. The radiologist reviews those images for their report, so taking pictures is just giving input to that report. The waiting game and time in the dark is so far my biggest challenge. For me, staying busy and self distraction is the most helpful.
You should get initial results pretty soon.
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thank you for responding!!!! Of course the wait is the worst. I have results appt. Scheduled for 10am Friday. I am lucky to have a phenomenal breast center in my city. I can't imagine what some people go through waiting weeks for results. I am terrified.
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I’ve had short waits on all my tests except the HER2 FISH test. Friday is not far away at all. And BIRADS 4 means suspicious. I was at BIRADS 5 when I got my biopsy, so the handwriting on my wall was highly indicative of my diagnosis. For you, there is a reasonable chance you will have a benign result
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theskinnychef, welcome to BC.org! The waiting is truly one of the hardest parts, we're sorry you had to go throut it. How was you appointment? Did you get your results back? Please, let us know how you're donig. We're thinking of you!
The Mods