Difference in MRI over a year

Last year I had bloody nipple discharge (frank blood) when I did a breast self exam. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and MRI and nothing was able to explain the bloody nipple discharge. I did a repeat MRI (plus mammo and targeted ultrasound) this March and I see a slight change in MRI results.
Last year: The breasts are heterogeneous and demonstrates mild to moderate background enhancement. There are scattered bilateral benign-appearing enhancing foci.
This year: There is a moderate amount of breast tissue and small to moderate amount of background enhancement. There are scattered bilateral benign-appearing enhancing foci and oval masses. There are no new suspicious dominant lesions in either breast.
Previously mentioned oval mass in the upper outer right breast showing minimal enhancement continues to behave the same way today, and is best seen at location 18.48. The densely calcified mass in the deep subareolar left breast is visualized at location -31.12.
Question: I have dense breasts (second to highest level of density) and am in menopause. Can oval masses that are new this year versus last year be early cancer? I know some cancers appear benign but post-biopsy are not.
So question it does say your previous mentioned oval masses are behaving the same way as it did last year , so are stable. Are there other new masses of concern? Was it read by the same radiologist? Radiologists all have their own way of dictating and it can be confusing. There is no way to say definitively that if there was a new oval area of tissue "mass" that it is an early cancer. I would think that if the radiologist was concerned he would have advised additional imaging or close follow up imaging.
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Yeah, first thing I thought was "different radiologist" or even "same radiologist, different day" to explain the very slight difference in wording.
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I’d make sure the same radiologist reads your newest diagnostics. I try to have the same radiologist read my ultrasounds. But don’t always do that. I think in this case tho that might be a good thing. You can request that. And if you get your diagnostics at the same imaging center yearly, you can make your appointment for a day that the same radiologist is scheduled to work. I also try to get the same technologist for my breastultrasound.