Biopsy Tomorrow
Have a breast biopsy scheduled for tomorrow. Small mass in left breast 8 mm and one axial node slightly thickened. They will do two biopsies - one for mass and one for node. I’m not as freaked out about the mass as I am about the node. I’m glad I found this site. I have my routine mammograms yearly except for 2020 because of COVID. 2021 was fine but 2022 not. Seems strange to me but I know that it can happen. Also, I’m 63 yo with dense breasts so realize this is also a risk factor. My kids are grown but haven’t said anything as to don’t want to worry them until I know more. Thank you for reading.
I hope your biopsy goes well tomorrow. I hope it all turns out to be very benign....
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no real words of wisdom. Hoping things go as smoothly as possible for you tomorrow.
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Sending you benign vibes!
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Hope it goes well and report in when you get results. Know everyone here is here for you.
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Hi mamabear58, and welcome to
We're so very sorry to hear of the worries that bring you here, but we're really glad you've found us. We know how hard it can be to wait for biopsy results, but know we are all here to support you and are sending good thoughts for benign results!
Please keep us posted once you have any more information! We're thinking of you!
--The Mods
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Thank you
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Thank you! Much appreciated
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Thank you
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Pray for you!
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I hope your results come quickly and are benign!
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Joining the chorus mamma bear - hope all is benign. If it doesn't go that way, we will be here to support you.
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Thank you all. Biopsy went pretty well except the radiologist couldn’t get to theone suspicious node without nicking an artery or blood vessel. We’ll hidden. So - he said either the mass is benign and won’t need to worry about node or it’s cancer and they’ll deal with the node in surgery. Not great to hear but he was being careful re the node. The results should be back on Monday where I have an appointment scheduled in the afternoon. High anxiety level and have only told my family that I’ve got an abnormal mammogram that needs further test. I was diagnosed with MS in 2004 and that was horrendous for myself and my family. Fortunately, I’ve been stable all this time with minimal flare-ups thanking God for medical advances in treatment. Don’t want to burden them more with this.
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I am experiencing the same thing now!! I will meet my family doctor to see the ultrasound report, April 22nd, and then biopsy on May 4.
Enjoy weekend at first. We all fight together.
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Still right here with you mamabear! Keep us posted on how Monday goes and try to enjoy the weekend!
Cathy67 -- thinking of you also! Please keep us all posted!
--The Mods
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