Interpreting Benign Pathology Intraductal Microcalcifications

skidiamond41 Posts: 2
edited July 2022 in Benign Breast Conditions

Hello all first time poster. I am a 39F classified as high risk with a 40% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer due to family history (no gene mutations) and previous biopsy result of Usual Ductal Hyperplasia (my understanding slightly increases risk). I go in for 6 month screenings for the last 4 years; rotating MRI and mammogram.

I had a biopsy in 2018 for microcalcifications that resulted in in Proliferative fibrocystic changes with central area of dense fibrosis, duct ectasia, usual ductal hyperplasia and multifocal associated calcifications, NO In Situ or invasive malignancy.

Most recent MRI resulted in Bi-rads 4 and MRI guided biopsy. I received quite vague results on path report today (my recent one was far more descriptive). I asked the nurse what it meant and all she said was that the Microcalcifications is what was making the MRI light up... I asked her if it mentioned hyperplasia and she said no mention of it and shared the report with. I have inquired if there is a more in-depth report as I like to keep informed. I'd like to have a better understanding of this to weigh my options proceeding into the future as the 40% risk already gives me anxiety and now add multiple biopsies on the same breast. I suffer from anxiety so this doesn't help me. Can someone provide a little insight on what "rare focus of intraductal microcalcifications" means?

Most recent report has final diagnosis as:

Right breast, 16 mm area of nonmass-like enhancement, MRI-guided Suros 9 gauge vacuum assisted needle core biopsies:

- Fibrofatty breast tissue with rare focus of intraductal microcalcification.,

- Negative for atypia and malignancy.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,856
    edited May 2022

    Hi skidiamond4, and welcome to!

    We're so sorry for the worries that bring you here, but we're really glad you found us and decided to post. Others will be by shortly to weigh in with their thoughts and experience. In the meantime, you may find it helpful to check out our page on Understanding Breast Calcifications.

    We hope this helps. Please keep us posted on any further info you receive.

    --The Mods

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534
    edited May 2022

    skidiamond - Your post got buried after the onslaught of posts from the mods, so I’m just bumping you up. Do you have an appointment to discuss your report results?

  • skidiamond41
    skidiamond41 Posts: 2
    edited May 2022

    thank you for bumping it up. I am thinking I might request a meeting with a dr at the breast care center in my hospital system. My primary isn’t very familiar with this stuff and won’t be able to answer my questions. So maybe a referral to a breast dr to chat big picture is in store

  • Utahmom
    Utahmom Posts: 8
    edited July 2022

    I was diagnosed with ADH and lots of microcalcs in both breasts in fall of 2019. I am 54 now. I had a child at 43. Breast feed for 26 months. Then showed typical hyperplasia and PASH. Monitored every 6 months for 18 months.

    Fast forward to mammogram 2019, they saw areas of microcalcs. They wanted to do lumpectomy and I wanted to find out more before cutting me that much for the area that had to be removed.

    I had genetic testing ran, Variant of Unknown Significance.

    They ran my numbers and I was 58%.

    Fast forward to today July 7, I am 1 month out from. PBMX.

    So glad I had good doctors who talked to me and worked both sides of the possibilities. The "bad" breast had also progressed to LCIS during the wait time. I had all that you had in pathology and more. Thr proliferative changes were very busy.

    I am in menopause now for almost 2 years. Had extremely dense breasts and family history along with the lesions that kept progressing.

    Sending prayers for you and that you sre able to talk to your doctors but options that are best for you.