So worried

tizi71 Posts: 2
edited May 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried


I'm 50 and I never had problems with my breast, till now.

I felt some pain in my breast and squeezing the right nipple I saw a watery yellow discharge and I felt a lump just under the nipple. I Went to a a doctor and he visited me and had an US. He totld that he didn't feel any lump and that the US was normal, there was only a little cyst and he diagnosed fibrocystic changes. Now I still feel this lump, is it possible that it isdue to the aspect of a fibrocystic breast? I've decided to go and see another doctor to have some answer to all the questions that are in my head now, I don't feel good at all, I'm so anxious. Do you have a similar experience?


  • rah2464
    rah2464 Posts: 1,192
    edited May 2022

    Tizi I always had fibrocystic breasts and you can have a variety of problems including pain, discharge, lumps you name it. I do think you are wise to pursue further evaluation given that the spot you feel didn't image on ultrasound. Different imaging modalities have their strengths and weaknesses. You didn't mention whether the doctor you saw was a regular physician or a breast specialist but that should be your next stop. I had a cyst at age 30 that was part solid, part cystic and wound up having an excisional biopsy which was benign but I have never regretted pursuing answers. Try to stay off Google, come here instead for questions. Wishing you the best

  • tizi71
    tizi71 Posts: 2
    edited May 2022

    Thank you so much. The doctor I saw was a breast Specialist, and After the visita I felt relieved, but in the next day I starter mulling over, googling and now I feel warried again, even if I saw a Specialist and my mammography on September 2021 was negative.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2022

    Hi tizi, and welcome to! We are sorry that you are experiencing these changes and they are causing you concern, but we're glad that you reached out to our members.

    Definitely, getting a second opinion can provide peace of mind. We know it's hard not to worry, but please, keep in mind that most breast changes are not related to cancer. The article What Mammograms Show: Cysts, Calcifications, Fibroadenomas from the main site may reassure you until your next doctor's appointment.

    We hope this helps! Keep us posted!

    The Mods