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MRI can’t rule out pelvic metastasis

I started Tamoxifen in late January and was given a list of symptoms to call the gynecologist about if they showed up because I'm premenopausal.

Well, three weeks ago, I had about four days of abnormal spotting and I called. Ultrasound of the pelvis ordered and completed within a week. Results were a possible hemorrhagic cyst and a 10cm complex adnexal mass with some Doppler flow. Onc pulled me off tamoxifen for the time being.
CA-125 ordered (it was 11) and an MRI. MRI revealed enhancement in the 12cm adnexal mass and a similar, smaller enhancing lesion in the ovary. Also noticed bilateral complex endometriomas. Could not rule out primary neoplasm or metastasis. I've been referred to a gyn onc who I will meet Tuesday. Surgery is definitely in my immediate future.


  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited May 2022


    Sorry to hear that, fingers crossed for you.

  • rah2464
    rah2464 Member Posts: 1,192
    edited May 2022

    Smoothoperator78 sorry to hear about what is going on. I am glad you have a referral to the gyn onc and moving forward to address whatever is in there. I have my ultrasound tomorrow for spotting as well. I guess the fun never ends. Please update as to how things go.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited May 2022

    I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Tamoxifen is notorious for causing bleeds/spotting. If the ovaries have any issues, this incidental spotting may have saved your life, so I am glad your docs are proactive and addressing it all...stress is probably not strong enough a word for you right now. Keep us updated and we all know how scary this journey is.

  • rain88
    rain88 Member Posts: 161
    edited May 2022

    I am so sorry you're going through this. I know how stressful it can be, as I went through something similar. For me, it turned out to be a big cyst, so I hope you will get benign results too.

  • smoothoperator78
    smoothoperator78 Member Posts: 72
    edited May 2022

    Met with the gyn onc today and was relieved to hear that the MRI characteristics are similar to a large fibroid. Very small chance it could be worse but would only know that after removing it. I’m sure tamoxifen fueled it’s growth.

  • cathy67
    cathy67 Member Posts: 411
    edited May 2022


    Good news, and I wish it is after removing it.



  • rain88
    rain88 Member Posts: 161
    edited May 2022


  • smoothoperator78
    smoothoperator78 Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2022

    i wanted to provide an update. Had my surgery yesterday (robot assisted laparoscopic). Everything went fine and after about six hours in recovery, I went home in the evening.

    Preliminary pathology indicated that the large mass was a large fibroid growing out of the right side of the uterus and it was attached to the right ovary. Left ovary was healthy, so I asked to keep it for a few more years although both my onc and gyn onc advised it to be removed. Five incisions on my waist line and an internal incision where my cervix used to be.

    Wanted to let you know that I was doing ok. If there are any surprises in the future Al pathology report, I’ll let you know.

  • byfaith
    byfaith Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2022

    After years of no r er use, I decided to hit the treadmill and do 30 minutes every day of a brisk walk. I never stretched before/after or slowed on the up or down walk. Just hopped on and off. No problems, no pain and loved it. I'm a normal weight, but not fit, so was happy. Thirty (30) days later I got out of bed and could literally barely walk due to pain in the hip, it, upper thigh. After a hot bath, I' was able to walk with discomfort and would take Advil. Daughter said sciatica. This went on for 2-1/2 weeks, same story bad pain getting out of bed, then better as day and Advil went on

    Went to family doc who is quite compassionate with BC survivors. She took my history, asked my worst fear and I said “metastasis." She said she suspected an injury, but with a BC history 12 years prior, we'd take X-rays in the office, so took lumbar, sacrum/coccyx and pelvic. Lumbar was the only one with a couple issues, some age related and a couple likely caused by Arimidex (retrolisthesis and anterolisthesis). Doc said it was good news and reported no cancer seen on X-rays. Still waiting on a scheduled MRI for more detailed analysis so I can cancel my fears and we can find a treatment plan.

    I'll be seeing a doc in Physical Medicine and Rehab to see what they can offer, have physical therapy, but first MRI on our two campuses isn't until early August! Doc may want to indicate STAT.

    Do you think this is just sciatica? I'm scared to death there could be a tumor not visualized on my lumbar spine. Daughter said it wouldn't hurt in the morning and then go away, but I take Advil if it starts up. She alsosaid too much of a coincidence with bad treadmill habits (since stopped). Between this and my 12-year mammogram tomorrow, I'm a wreck. Has anyone had sciatica due to exercise overuse or osteoposis/osteopenia, or am I being paranoid to be so afraid?


  • flo80
    flo80 Member Posts: 215
    edited July 2022

    Hi Fath,

    I understand what you are going through. I have the same problem. I have pain in my groin pelvic area. I had anXray done last year for this and they had showed arthritis in my hip. And now I am again with this pain.

    I agree with your daughter and it will be mostly because of the work out. But it’s good you are getting an MRI as it will help reduce the fear.

