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I’ve just been prescribed letrozole and am worried about the side affects. Can people share their experience with it


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534
    edited June 2022

    kmg - Welcome to the forum. I don’t have experience with Letrozole, but there’s a large thread on it under its brand name Femara. If you post your questions there, you should get responses. Hope you have minimal side effects.

  • btwnstars
    btwnstars Posts: 81
    edited June 2022

    I’ve been on it since November of last year. So far, nothing too bad. I haven’t had side effects from the medicine except for headache & fatigue the first couple weeks, but that was also during chemo recovery & during radiation treatments.

    The side effects I have experience are more related to the menopause from hormone suppression. Still they have been mild. I’ve had mild hot flashes, I get them at the same time every day & it isn’t too unbearable. The worst part is prob vaginal dryness, and pain. Working on that. And then just putting on more weight around my middle. But again, it’s not much to deal with for the benefits of helping to prevent recurrence.

    Keep in mind everyone is different, and generally ppl only post when they are having issues. There’s many ppl that do just fine on AIs.

    Hope it works out for you.