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Am I just being paranoid? Dental X-ray concern.

I had routine panoramic films done at the dentist recently. He was going over them with me and points to an area on my lower jaw and says it is “ just a bone abnormality .” Of course i internally panic. I called and got a copy of the X-ray and thought I would show it to my RO as I have one last appointment with him in July. But now I have looked at this X-ray so many times I think I am just freaking myself out. I guess I am just venting my fears as I know you guys truly understand. I wish I could share the X-ray and see if you guys see what I am worried about. Has anyone had this situation? Thank you for listening


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    dani, are you worried about ONJ? Can you ask your dentist to be more specific? It's certainly worth showing it to your RO.

    I'm sorry you're worried. Is there a way to get a copy to your RO or MO earlier? If it is a digital copy, it should be "easy" to do.

    Let us know what you learn.


  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216

    Carol- I am worried about Mets, but I also understand that Mets to the jaw are super rare. I don’t have a way to message my RO but have a portal I can send a message to my MO. I showed it to a doctor I work with and he said the area was sclerotic. I get tired of all this worrying. I appreciate your response and will update when I get an answer.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    dani, I hope you get an answer soon. Worrying sucks, doesn't it?


  • dani444
    dani444 Member Posts: 216

    I finally heard back from my MO office after sending a message through the portal. She does not want to see the X-ray so now I feel embarrassed that I sent the message. Carol, thank you for listening to my fears. I appreciate it.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    dani, please don't feel embarrassed, but I get it and probably would, too. Your fears were and are valid. I'm glad your MO wasn't concerned. How often do you see your dentist? They should be able to compare any changes in the sclerotic area.

    One of the issues that we can have when we take bone strengthening meds like Zometa (an IV infusion I'm getting for my bone mets) is something called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ.) It's rare but can happen. They just want us to avoid invasive dental work like extractions or implants while we're taking the drug. I've not had any issues with that, but I'm always asked if I have dental work planned, other than cleanings, fillings, etc.

    It's sounds like your jaw is OK for now. Let us know how you continue to do. Cancer affects more than just your breasts, right?



  • summersday
    summersday Member Posts: 28

    Hi Dani - I could have written that post! I’ve just been through the same thing today. Went to a new dentist to get an in X-ray in preparation for a wisdom tooth extraction and there it was: a little bullet shaped island sitting all by itself under my bottom right hand molars. I have severe health anxiety (thanks to cancer) and nearly hit the roof. The dentist said that no, it wasn’t cancer and that I didn’t have anything to be worried about. It was an area of ‘radiopacity’ and that although she’d mention it to the oral surgeon who’s going to perform the dental work, she said everything was ok.

    But I don’t feel ok. I’ve had several dental X-rays in the past and no-one has ever mention this to me. It is entirely possible that it’s a DBI or Dense Bony Island which are nearly always incidental findings on dental X-rays and 90% of them are found in the exact area mine is: underneath the first molars. I just can’t shake the fear……