First bone scan

I was diagnosed with triple neg last year and went through treatment, but developed some mild neck pain after radiation for a few months when lying on my side & MO ordered an MRI. The MRI showed a non-discernible lesion in one of my cervical bones but radiology could not tell what it was & MO said it didn't look bright enough for a met. But now she wants to do a nuclear bone scan, in particular due slightly elevated Alkaline Phosphatase. Phosphatase was high last year & went down and I think one PA asked me if I had issues with my bones & I did mention a pre-existing issue with a limb, but no scan was ordered. MO doesn't believe in scans unless issue arises (per recent research), and I guess my composite picture at present is reason for one. In recent weeks though, the neck pain has diminished & is now gone, but I am wondering if the maintenance drug Xeloda I'm on is the cause; is Xeloda strong enough to attack bone mets? I can't seem to find that info. That would of course be bittersweet news, unless Xeloda also works on benign conditions.


  • serendipity09
    serendipity09 Member Posts: 769
    edited June 2022

    Hopeheal - Hi again!

    The members in the All About Xeloda thread are very knowledgeable. If you have't done so, maybe ask there. My understanding is yes, X will attack all cancer cells. It stops cells rom making and repairing DNA, and cancer cells need to make and repair DNA so that they can grow and multiply. Hope this helps.

    Maybe ask your question in the All About Xeloda thread, the members there are very knowledgeable.

  • HopeHeal
    HopeHeal Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2022

    Thank you Serendipity!Happy The scan is coming up soon so I will know one way or another. Very nervous.