Biopsy today

lizh181 Posts: 1
edited June 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

Hello, i am a 40 yo mom of 2 girls. Had my 1st mammo on 6/3/22. What a ride its been since. Got a call back for more imaging. Found a 7 mm mass near L nipple. It has a blood supply, echogenic, and unable to aspirate. Had biopsy today. Now waiting 3 to 5 days for results. Im a nurse. And very worried. Birads 4. Hoping for the best. :(


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited June 2022

    Dear lizh181,

    We are so glad that you reached out to our community for support. We hear your worry and many here will be able to empathize with you on that and offer you ways to get though as you wait for more information. Please do not hesitate to reach us mods if we can offer any assistance at all. We are here to help you to get connected. Keep us posted on what you learn.

    The MOds

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Posts: 605
    edited June 2022

    Waiting is the worst! Try to distract yourself by doing fun things and don't visit that sketchy Dr. Google. I hope it turns out to be benign!