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Antidepressants and Stage 3

Just wondering whether anyone has been on antidepressants long term. I’m considering on taking something to help with the anxiety that I have thanks to my diagnosis. Thought by now that it would have passed but it hasn’t. Any thoughts on an antidepressant that doesn’t interfere with my aromatase inhibitor.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,861
    edited July 2022

    Hi Ausykaren! Until you get responses from other members, here is an article on Anxiety, from our main site where you'll learn more of some antidepressants and other ways you can ease anxiety:

    Hope it helps!

    The Mods

  • BCat40
    BCat40 Posts: 121
    edited July 2022

    I have been on a combo of antidepressants for over 20 years. Some ppl just need it for proper brain chemistry like diabetics need insulin. I recommend finding a psychiatrist who has worked with cancer patients. Some of the antidepressants have anti anxiety effects and can also prevent hot flashes such as Effexor.

  • elainetherese
    elainetherese Posts: 1,637
    edited July 2022

    I'm on Celexa, which doesn't interfere with my hormonal therapy (AI + Zoladex). My MO prescribed it when hormonal therapy was affecting my moods (my treatment made me very weepy). I've been fine ever since! I'm on the lowest dose, so my doctor says it won't be hard to quit once I'm done with hormonal therapy (seven years going on eight...grrr....going for ten).

    Good luck!