follow up MRI

I had a non linear enhancement show up on an mri in January. The breast biopsy they did was negative. That's good. The breast specialist didn't think it would be cancer but wanted to err on the side of caution and is having my repeat the MRI in August. I haven't had any symptoms except some itching off and on.
It's now July and I've scheduled my appt for August.
Has anyone had this happen or know of someone where they have had a negative biopsy then 6th months later have a positive result? II know every person is different so it's hard to say. I cant find much about the non linear enhancement online to know the stats and read up about it.
Is there some reason for you to think a benign result with no symptoms would somehow change into cancer in six months? It seems like quite a stretch. Try to think of the MRI as nothing more than any other standard test you get!
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Coffeegirl cannot speak to your experience with non linear enhancement, but I applaud the level of care you are receiving. How wonderful to have that extra bit of follow up to ensure the biopsy taken was properly representative and to look for any additional changes that may or may not have occurred. Sounds like a thorough doc who has your best health in mind.
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Hi Coffeegirl, and welcome to our Community!
We're so glad to hear about your negative biopsy results and your doctor didn't think it was cancer, that's very good news! Anyway, and besides the responses and support you're getting from other members here in the boards, you may like to read up on our main site content about the Breast MRI. There you'll learn more on who should have it, what to expect, advantages and disadvantages, etc. We hope this helps!
Best wishes!
The Mods
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Thank you!
It does give me a sense of peace to know the Drs are being cautious and doing the follow up. I Don't have any specific reason to think it would be cancerous in 6 months.
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contrary to what you have, I have a linear non-mass like enhancement, would you please provide some insights on if I should be worried?
thanks so much.
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It's funny because you research the non mass enhancements and on one hand it says its serious and on the other hand it say its not. There isn't a ton of info online about it so it feels like you have this random thing no one talks about.
I did some worrying but it helped when i followed up with the doctor and discussed what to do. Mri's are very sensitive so they pick up a lot of things that a mammogram wouldn't.
For me, doing a biopsy helped settle some of the concern.