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Insurance and MRIs on Silicone Implants

GalleySlave Member Posts: 17
edited July 2022 in Breast Reconstruction

I see that the FDA recommends MRIs on Silicone implants to monitor for leaks. My PS recommends that also. Has anyone had any trouble getting insurance to pay for this? Thank you


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    I have had a number of MRI imagings done throughout the 10 years I have had reconstruction with implants, but most of them have had a specific reason other than routine surveillance - most, but not all. My most recent was probably the most vague as far as a reason prior, but did actually reveal a silent rupture - a surprise to everyone. Insurance has always covered. I just switched to Medicare, with my previous regular health insurance becoming my supplement, so I have no idea how this will unfold in the future. Good luck!

  • GalleySlave
    GalleySlave Member Posts: 17

    Thanks for the info SpecialK. One less thing to worry about.

    Bu they found a leak? Now what?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Do you mean what did they do about my leak? Which I should clarify - not a leak, a rupture - cohesive gel means that the silicone stays where it is and doesn't travel like the silicone implants of old. The fix is surgery and replacement of the damaged implant. Since I had the recalled textured implants, and would be under anesthesia anyway, both of my implants were replaced with smooth in June of 2021.

  • GalleySlave
    GalleySlave Member Posts: 17

    What a lot to go through. Glad it’s over for you though. I just came home from my swap surgery. Bound up like a geisha girl right now. Apparently he did liposuction/fat grafting and I’m feeling the bruises. Thank goodness for Percocet and a DH who is wilingly waits on me. I wish everyone the same good luck I’ve had in their ow journeys.

  • peacetoallcuzweneedit
    peacetoallcuzweneedit Member Posts: 41

    I have had my implants since 2017 and I have had three MRIs since. My co-pay is ridiculous so I pay for these out of pocket ~700 each. I have not had a problem getting insurance pre-approval for the MRIs though...I think my thoughts are going to "do I get them replaced at 10-12years or get a completely different reconstruction surgery"

  • scaryhead113
    scaryhead113 Member Posts: 1

    I had silicone implants since 2010 and it was just determined that one has a rupture. The oncologist and radiologist said it’s fine to leave as is. There were no other signs of abnormalities. Has anyone experienced a rupture and just left as us?


    (stage IIb idc double mastectomy chemo arimidex and done with treatment sine 2016

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited January 11

    @scaryhead113 - We want to welcome you again to our community here at BCO. We hope you find it to be a place of support and helpful information! Hopefully you'll get responses from other members here, but as this thread hasn't been active since July 2022, we encourage you to start a new thread under this same Breast Reconstruction topic, and opening it up to discussion from the community! We will be happy to assist you if you need guidance.

    Best wishes,

    From the Mods

  • pinkrules
    pinkrules Member Posts: 106

    Scaryhead, I had silicone implants since 1978. Eventually both ruptured but the breast surgeon said to leave them in not only because of my age but because they are contained, crystalized.