Mets to lymph node in portahepatic area

meme5 Posts: 43

Hello…In 2013 I was diagnosed with breast cancer ILC stage 2B with 3 lymph nodes involved. I did ATC 8 rounds and 5 years of AI. No radiation

Yesterday I received the biopsy news that a lymph node in the portahepatic area (near the liver) is malignant. I had no symptoms but this was found from a CT scan back in April from a stomach bug which cleared up with antibiotics.

I have a follow up appt with my surgical oncologist on 9/20 to discuss the results. What questions should I be asking?

I don't know if this is considered lymphoma or Mets to liver from original breast cancer. What types of treatment are there for liver Mets and how are those of you coping?

The lymph node is 4cm and appears to be contained and not attached to any organ.

Thank you for your responses as this is scary. I am 74, divorced and live alone although my daughter and family live nearby in the same town.
