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Crazy metastisis with lobular

meme5 Member Posts: 43

Hello… I was originally diagnosed with ILC in 2013, stage 2B with three lymph nodes positive. I was ER positive and her2 negative. Had double mastectomy, 8 rounds of ACT and 5 years of AI. Now I have been diagnosed with malignancy in a lymph node in porta hepatic which is where blood vessels feed into the liver and other major organs. There was no malignancy found in the liver though. This is a strange scenario. I just received my path report which states the following:
In porta hepatic lymph node: Positive for metastatic carcinoma with aprocrine features
Tumor cells are positive for GATA3 and CK7 and negative for PAX8, GCDFP and mammoglobin. Although breast origin is favored, GATA3 is not specific for breast primary.
Liver wedge is benign hepatic parenchyma with no metastatic carcinoma
I am not surprised at these results but don't understand the GATA3, CK7, etc or what it means for outcomes or what treatment I will need.

Has anyone had any experience with lobular cancer metastasizing to anodd area of the body? This is so confusing and will have to speak to my oncologist about how this is treated. Thank you for your thoughts


  • skv0123
    skv0123 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2022

    I have not had this & I am so sorry!

  • meme5
    meme5 Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2022

    I received an addendum to my path report this morning stating the following:

    Lymph node weakly and partially positive for ERbeta1 and negative for androgen receptor.

    What is beta1 and androgen receptor negative?

    They state that their findings are favorable for coming from original breast cancer in 2013.

    Any insight

  • meme5
    meme5 Member Posts: 43
    edited October 2022

    Just came from my surgical follow up. I have metastatic breast cancer which was confined to the 2 lymph nodes completely removed near liver area. No cancer in liver! The surgeon said I "got lucky" this was found accidently from an ultrasound in the ER for a stomach bug. There is no cancer in any other organs either! They have now turned my care over to my medical oncologists to determine treatment which may be chemo in pill form, etc but overall even though now classified metastatic can still be properly treated. I see Medical oncologist in two weeks. They said because I have been asymptomatic no telling how long it would have been before any symptoms occurred. I know I will be in treatment but feel grateful beyond measure that this was not worse.

    They also stated this is still estrogen positive even though less than the original breast cancer which was 80%.
    What type of treatment do they usually start you on? I originally had ACT with 5 years of AI.

    What do they usually start you on for metastatic to lymph nodes