Breast cancer mets to lungs but now called mucinous carcinoma

I am a 62 year old female. DOB 4-13-1960. I was treated in 2012-2013 for Stage IIB Breast Cancer EST and PRO positive cancer. Double Mastectomy DIEP at Westchester Medical Center in NY. Had 6 rounds of chemo, then after two surgeries, had radiation on R breast with an HMRT machine to limit exposure of my lung. Oct 11, 2022, had a left lower lung resection at Bringham Womens Hospital. Determined to have Metastatic Carcinoma of the lungs, with mutinous features, consistent with spread from primary breast. Have not a PET yet but had many scans (CT of abdomen with contrast, CT of chest, MRI brain) with no metastatic findings. These nodules were slow growing and watched via CT since 2018. They grew from 4 to 7 to 8 to 9 mm over three years. I think they were surprised to find breast cancer in my lungs last Tuesday.

New Pathology: Oct 11, 2022 Estrogen Rec Pos (>95%), Progesterone Rec Pos (60% moderate to strong) HER2/NEU Equivical (2+) GATA3 Pos GCDFP-15 Neg Mammaglobin Pos TTF-1 NegHER2 in progress and will be reported separately

Old Pathology Oct 2012 Invasive or Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) Right, 3.2 cm, Stage IIB, Grade 3, Some/1 nodes ER+,PR+, HER2-

I am interested in being treated by your cyber knife. Anyone out there with similiar.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,368
    edited October 2022


    I can’t give you any medical advice nor do I have personal experience with your type of bc. Hopefully someone will respond soon.

    If that is your phone number at the end of your post, I would really advise removing it. This is a public site that anyone can view, even if they are not a member. The moderators discourage and usually remove personal info such as phone numbers and personal email addresses as it can be a security risk to you. We do have a private messaging option that is secure so you are best communicating with other members that way. Take care