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What will an MRI tell me that I don't already know?

weavech1 Member Posts: 4

I was recently diagnosed with IDC grade 1 100% ER and PR + HER2 -, I'm currently waiting on genetic testing results and going for an MRI in a couple of days. My question(s) is what is the purpose of the MRI? Is this standard procedure? Will it possibly show something more than they have already seen? I'm just ready to get started with the treatment/surgery and get this cancer out of me! Feeling very lost and confused about all of this.


  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    The MRI is done to get a better look at what's going on and yes, it's possible it could show additional areas of concern.

    This is definitely a confusing and overwhelming time! If you are ever unsure about what's going on or you have questions about why things are happening, always ask your doctors to explain. You should never be left wondering what's going on.

    Waiting stinks but it takes time before they can get started on the treatment process!

  • wondering44
    wondering44 Member Posts: 261


    I am sorry to see you joined this club. I am happy to see you found this site. Lots of great information here.

    I second parakeets on asking your doctors. You should not have to wonder while you wait. It is hard enough to wait for results while having unanswered questions about upcoming appointments.

    The MRI is a great tool to check for other concerns that the mammo/US may not show. My MRI after diagnosis did show two additional areas that weren't found on the mammo or US that were cancer. Your MRI may show no additional areas of concern which may give you peace of mind. The MRI results are usually fast.

    Talk with your Team about your concerns and see if they will walk you through it step by step. It's okay to message or call to get information. It's a lot to take on and you will be an expert on a lot of it in the future. Right now let your Team be the experts to walk you through it. I tell my doctors I started as an infant that eventually graduated to training wheels.

    I wish you well with your MRI results. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and results.

  • Luckynumber47
    Luckynumber47 Member Posts: 53

    You are very fortunate that your doctor requested an MRI. It’s important to leave no stone unturned. If there is any more cancer growing it’s best to get everything now. My MRI found an area to biopsy that was benign. It also found DCIS in the other breast and so I went from thinking I’d be having lumpectomy/radiation to having a bilateral mastectomy. Best decision I ever made.

    For me the MRI was the worst part of my treatment. The sound got to me. Taking a Xanax before really helped.

    Your diagnosis sounds like they caught it early and it should be very treatable. My surgeon told me it was just a bump in the road and I would be fine. She was right! The same will be true for you. Hang in there.


  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Member Posts: 1,946

    My surgeon said MRIs are also to help the surgeon pinpoint the location better when performing a lumpectomy.

  • weavech1
    weavech1 Member Posts: 4

    Thank you all for your feedback these past few weeks have just been a whirlwind of emotions and what ifs. I have just felt so lost and confused. At the current moment I just have a surgeon that the breast center sent me to and although he sat and answered all my questions and listened to my concerns and has ordered the MRI and genetic testing before we move forward with any surgery or treatment he is pretty positive that I will just need a lumpectomy and radiation. With that being said I've always said if I ever was dx with bc I would do bilateral mastectomy w/reconstruction. So now I have that decision to make and it's not been as easy as I thought it would be. I'm waiting to finalize my decision based off ALL the test results. Sorry I'm just rambling on, again thank you all for your responses! I hope you all have a blessed day!

  • weavech1
    weavech1 Member Posts: 4

    Well MRI showed another larger mass not detectable on US and a questionable lymph node near my sternum (so they want a pet scan done) so I'm now being referred to a new surgeon, (the one I had doesn't do mastectomy with reconstruction) plastic surgeon, and oncologist. They said I should be getting calls next week to get the ball rolling! Oh and my genetic test come back negative no mutations found!! I will update you all when I know more.

  • maggiehopley
    maggiehopley Member Posts: 134

    I had a lymph node they were sure was cancerous (birads 5) come back benign on biopsy. Hopefully yours will be benign, too.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    How's it going, weavech1?

  • weavech1
    weavech1 Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for asking...It's going good 1 month post-op from bilateral mastectomy no lymph node involvement so NO chemo or radiation! Just Tamoxifen for next 5yrs and will be doing reconstruction later this year. How are you doing?