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Assymetry Birads 0

bedliemom Member Posts: 5
edited November 2022 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I am new here, and am struggling to contain my anxiety over being called back for more testing. For the first time in 20 years of mammograms (I’m 61), I received a Birads rating of 0, with the description of an Assymetry seen in the right breast that is “indeterminate.” I had 3D imaging for the last few years, and my breasts are mostly fatty. Based on what I have read, these factors make it less likely that this new Assymetry is nothing. I am scheduled for follow up mammography and an ultrasound next week. The only facility in the network that could see me so quickly has digital equipment. I’ll need to wait an additional two weeks to get another 3D. Is it better to get it done fast, or wait for the (potentially) better screening? Thanks in advance for any perspective.


  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    Birads 0 is the lowest possible score. It just means they see something and can't tell what it is so they need another look. If it looked suspicious it would be Birads 4. If they were pretty sure it was cancer, it would be Birads 5. Hopefully the scans next week will let them get a better look at it!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    bedliemo, welcome to We are sorry these changes to your breast health have brought you here, and we are happy that you have found us. Please, remember that most breast changes are not related to cancer, so try not to worry too much. Well, we know it's easier said than done! Getting out with family and friends, walking, getting exercise, getting fresh air, and taking care of yourself will help keep your mind occupied while you wait.

    Good luck and looking forward to knowing how it all goes!

    The Mods

  • bedliemom
    bedliemom Member Posts: 5

    Thank you helping to provide some perspective. I have been trying to read and educate myself, but what really helps are hearing kind words and am also trying to take the moderators' suggestion to make sure I'm taking care of myself. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me. Best wishes to you.

  • skywoman1
    skywoman1 Member Posts: 2

    Hello, I got the same result from my first screening mammogram last month and was called back. I have another mammo and ultrasound tomorrow and the wait has been hell. I have intermediate, scattered dense fibrous tissue. It seems to be scattered throughout my breasts rather than in one single area. I assume there is fibrocystic tissue in there, but I also feel a hard lump that is worrying.TBH I'm pretty sure I have cancer.

  • bedliemom
    bedliemom Member Posts: 5

    I’m so sorry you find yourself in this purgatory between screening and diagnostics. It’s awful. It seems as if, statistically, most of these call-backs turn out to be nothing, but it’s still terrifying. I hope that you get some good news tomorrow. One thing I have learned from browsing this site is that there’s a ton of support and good information here.I hope you’ll let me know how you’re doing and please know I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

  • bedliemom
    bedliemom Member Posts: 5

    Happy to get a good report today! Radiologist at new facility reviewed images from last 5 years, including those from 2 weeks ago, and did new scans today. The asymmetry was apparently there before and is unchanged. Why the old facility flagged it as indeterminate isn’t clear to me. New facility canceled scheduled ultrasound and told me to rescan in one year. I’m not so naive as to think that I might not be a member of one of the other forums here some day, and I so appreciate all of the wonderful people who shared their stories and the really helpful information I got here. Thank you to the mods for reaching out as well.

  • parakeetsrule
    parakeetsrule Member Posts: 605

    Yay!! So glad it turned out to be nothing! Skywoman, I hope you get good news too.
  • bedliemom
    bedliemom Member Posts: 5

    Parakeetsrule: thanks for taking the time to reach out and support me. Wishing you good health and joy in your future. Skywoman1, hope all is well for you.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Congrats on such good news, bedliemom!! We are so happy to read this. Thanks for posting and sharing. Best wishes to you!

    The Mods

  • citylife
    citylife Member Posts: 1

    I just received the same diagnosis. So I am waiting for the hospital center to call and schedule the spot compression test. Good luc