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January 2023 Surgery Buddies?

momgoose Member Posts: 71

Hi! My double mastectomy is scheduled for January 4th, 2023. Anyone else have a surgery scheduled in January? Maybe we can support each other!




  • maggiehopley
    maggiehopley Member Posts: 134

    I had my double mastectomy in September but I am having a hemithyroidectomy on January 4, so we will be in surgery the same day. Good Luck!

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71


    Glad your double mastectomy is behind you now! I hope you are doing well on that front. Best wishes to you with your thyroid surgery. I would think that will be significantly easier that what you've already gone through, but I hope everything goes very smoothly and you have a quick, uneventful recovery!


  • dianosaur
    dianosaur Member Posts: 2

    Hi there. I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy on Jan. 9. Thanks for creating this thread!

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71

    Hi dianosaur! Wishing you all the best as you prepare for your lumpectomy. I'm guess that you're like me and just want to get this over with.


  • fuzzypaws
    fuzzypaws Member Posts: 1


    My double mastectomy is scheduled for January 9, 2023. I was hoping the scheduler would move me up to Jan 2, but doesn't look like that will happen.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299

    Hi maggiehopley, You might want to check out Embrace scar therapy strips for the neck scar. They're expensive (coupons are available) but they last for 10 days each and are awesome for fading the scar that everyone comments on. My breast surgeon couldn't find my thyroidectomy scar and was miffed because hers, while not bad, is still visible many years after her surgery. This surgery was not too bad and you certainly know how to deal with drains by now. I used my teacher ID card lanyard to manage my drain.

    About 90% of my thyroid was removed four years ago but the small strip that was left (which still produces hormones) is growing again and deviating my trachea. I have an ultrasound at the end of January to see how much of my airway is left (65% was open last year.) I'm supposed to avoid intubation so I'm trying to buy time by waiting until the last minute.

    I hope your thyroidectomy and everyone else's surgery goes well. My lumpectomy breast looks really good nearly two years later. I wish that for everybody else.

  • My situation is moving so fast, and just got scheduled for lumpectomy surgery this week on Thursday, 12/22. I was only informed about my cancer just last week and met with the surgeon only today. I wanted to try and get it done before the end of the year for insurance and deductible reasons given all the other diagnostics I had. Fortunately, they were able to get it scheduled so quickly.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    Having my gallbladder removed on January 4th, looks like there is a small unknown mass in the fundus.

  • pjc5399
    pjc5399 Member Posts: 32

    First post but I’ve been reading a lot so I’m very appreciative of those who do post and share their stories and experience. I’m scheduled for a double mastectomy on 1/20. I am still waiting on MRI results so, hopefully, that doesn’t change anything. The whole thing feels pretty surreal.

  • starsnow77
    starsnow77 Member Posts: 55

    Hi I had my second lumpectomy on Dec 2nd but wanted to chime in The waiting is the WORST!!! It's like you get prepared for a road trip and the car stalls.

    I am waiting for radiation and oncology appointments.

    My heart goes out to you who are facing the surgery....and wish you comfort and peace in gentle moments.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Welcome, pjc5399 and fuzzypaws! We're sorry you have to be here, but we believe that whether you need support or want to share experiences with others, this is the right place for you!

    Please let us know if you need any help at all while you navigate the boards and the site, and come back to let us know how you're doing.


    The Mods

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71

    fuzzypaws, concernedaboutresults, meow13, pjc5399 and starsnow77 -

    I've been sick for the last 9 days with some sort of virus and now a sinus and ear infection! I will be thinking about you all as you face your different surgeries. It's been a long 3 months of waiting for mine....too much time for my brain and my comfort level, yet as the time is creeping nearer, it's getting really, well - real! I wish each of you the very best. We'll get through this together.


  • kercove
    kercove Member Posts: 4

    I’m so thankful I found this community. I haven’t posted before, but have been searching for all the keywords that I want to know more about. I am scheduled for a double mastectomy on 1/9. The wait is hard, but for me, the decision about reconstruction options is what I’m really struggling with. I trust my surgeons completely, but for some reason, cannotdecide between direct to implant or expanders.
    Good luck everyone!

  • Hi all,

    Had BMX with expanders in July and scheduled for implant surgery on January 12. For those of you going through your initial surgeries, you’ll get through this!! I had never had any significant medical issue prior to this, and I was absolutely terrified. Remember those drugs will do their job, and for me, so much of it feels like a foggy dream even though it’s just a few months ago. My heart is with you <

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71

    icouldreallyuseacupcake (love the name!),

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've had some surgeries before that weren't minor, but this feels bigger somehow, maybe because the recovery time is longer and there are multiple steps with reconstruction and the stakes are just plain higher. I hope your implant surgery goes perfectly and that you can put all of this behind you. Best wishes!

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71


    I'm sorry you have to be here, but I'm glad you found some support. I know the decision to do the double mastectomy was the easier part...the reconstruction and all the choices that it entails is a bit more daunting. I did not have the option of direct to implant, so that made it a little easier. I wonder what qualifies a person for that? I'll be going the tissue expander route, which I can't say I'm looking forward to, but if it means that the cancer is gone and the healing can begin, then it'll be worth it! Best wishes as you make your decision and have your surgery.


  • tara484
    tara484 Member Posts: 5

    Hi Momgoose,

    I am scheduled for a double mastectomy Jan 16th. I would love a surgery buddy Smile I know I am scared to but just want it over. I had to go to the hospital today to just drop of paperwork I suffer from anxiety I could not get out of there fast enough. I am here for you Smile

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    May God bless all facing surgery this month, I am praying for all of us.

  • kercove
    kercove Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for the kind words, Christina! My surgeon mentioned that there are number of things that have to be aligned for direct to implant, and all must go well during the surgery for it to actually happen. I think the primary requirement is that one is small-chested to begin with and does not want to go bigger. I’m an A cup, maybe a small B on a good day. My ideal would be to have my breastfeeding size back, but the PS was clear that I shouldn’t expect anything bigger than I have currently if I go DTI. I’m just not sure it’s worth an additional surgery and recovery to be a tiny bit larger. I’m a runner and so anxious to get back to training after taking several months off due to thyroid issues and now breast cancer. I’m with you on being anxious to put all this behind me. Best of luck to you!

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71


    I understand the anxiety. I used to have panic attacks, so I've been on Zoloft for years (which has completely stopped the panic attacks). I'm sure that has helped some, but I'm starting to feel general nervousness in this final week leading up to surgery. I keep getting MyChart reminders and instructions and it's getting harder to focus on the normal day to day stuff. I just keep reminding myself that I'm not alone and that I'm doing this for my health now and in the future. You and I (and all of us) will get through this. Best wishes and prayers for all of us!


  • wigglebutt25
    wigglebutt25 Member Posts: 1


    I am 4 weeks out from by bilateral mastectomy. I understand all your feelings and concerns! Know that you got this and there are many of us here to help support you!

    Will hold you in my thoughts and prayers,


  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71


    Thanks for the encouragement. You are very kind. How is your recovery going so far?

  • kadril22
    kadril22 Member Posts: 13

    I am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy January 9th. Sad to be part of the "club" but happy for the info and support found here.

  • momgoose
    momgoose Member Posts: 71


    I'm sorry you're a part of this "club" too, but I wish you the very best and hope you find the friendship and support you need during this difficult time.


  • K-Gobby
    K-Gobby Member Posts: 144

    Hi all,

    I almost needed to have my surgery in January, but my December 28th was a go as my insurance accepted the hospital.. Expander out implant in. Other breast out, implant in. Brca2 is what I have and I did the double mastectomy to cover my risk.

    The robes were interesting. At the start for pre-op, I got the blue one that un velcro for each body part.

    After surgery, so someone had me naked. Put on a nice cotton gown. No undies and I suppose the reason is good. I did get to stay overnight. The entire nurse team was helpful. Got me answers to questions.

    The night I went in, the nurse ordered me many items for dinner. My first surgery I didn't get to eat till the next day.

    Very odd to see my skin saving breast Grey. It is supposed to be normal but not for weeks.

    Please ask any questions you may have. I had one side effect. My right drain is clogged. Nothing driving or red, so triage nurse said called Tuesday for the doctor, or call Sunday or Monday if I have a fever.

    For me, having the left side done in Feb made this one easier. One. Thing I never do is is imagine how many people are in the operating suite. In the end, how important is it.

  • coloradomom1
    coloradomom1 Member Posts: 7

    My bilateral mastectomy is scheduled for January 13. It’s supposed to be outpatient, which is making me a little nervous as I am a single mom. My child will go to a friend’s house for the night, but I’m going to ask my surgeon at my pre-op this week if I can stay in the hospital overnight. My surgery is scheduled for 12pm, which seems late in the day for a lengthy outpatient surgery. I’ve been grateful for the support of this community since my diagnosis, which was in October. Healing wishes to all of us going through this in January (and any other time).

  • tara484
    tara484 Member Posts: 5


    You are on Zoloft I have been on so many. The MyChart reminders I almost wish I didn't have it. I know what you're saying it is hard to keep your mind busy. You are not alone; we are all in this together and there are lots of people here to support you. I sure am thinking off you and sending you lots of hugs.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    Getting a little nervous for Wednesday 😬

  • K-Gobby
    K-Gobby Member Posts: 144

    My surgery was at 1pm. It was considered outpatient, but my breast surgeon wants over night. Thank God.

  • meow13
    meow13 Member Posts: 1,363

    I don't know yet but think 6 am, they will call tomorrow. Wish they knew for sure if it is cancerous, I guess they don't biopsy the gallbladder they just take it out. I hope my digestive track recovers quickly not looking forward to pain and diarrhea