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Starting radiation in January 2023?

i start radiation on 1/3/22 and am interested in connecting with others who are on a similar schedule. I just finished chemo snd was very lucky to have only modest side effects. Now dreading radiation even though almost everyone says it is easier than chemo.


  • margecandoit
    margecandoit Member Posts: 156

    Lef- I am suppose to be starting in Jan. I had my consultation last week. Waiting to get my CT scan set up and he said it should start mid January. He said I would need 20 treatments. I wish I would have asked how he came up with that. I guess I will ask that next appt. I had chemo first and had surgery 11/17 so almost 6 weeks from surgery. Started tamoxifen two weeks ago and I don’t like how it is making me feel. I am a little nervous about radiation but got through chemo will get through this also. I would like to hear how your first treatments go.

  • lef
    lef Member Posts: 32

    I think 20 is a pretty common protocol for those for whom they think they got the whole tumor(s). They original thought I’d need only 15, but the margins were not as good as they’d hoped, so I get 15 “whole breast” and 5 aimed at the area where they removed the tumor. (I had surgery first, then chemo.). I will keep you posted on how it goes.

  • margecandoit
    margecandoit Member Posts: 156

    Lef- did you have your CT scan already? Did they just do your chest or whole body?

  • lef
    lef Member Posts: 32

    Marge - just the breast that had the cancer

  • magnoliachild
    magnoliachild Member Posts: 35

    Hello, I start radiation tomorrow and had the CT scan on 12/22. I'll be doing 16 sessions, no boost. My lumpectomy in November was easier that I expected, but I find that I am more nervous about radiation than I thought I would be. Everyone's experience seems to be so unique that it's hard to know what to expect. That's probably the difficult part for me, the not-knowing.

  • margecandoit
    margecandoit Member Posts: 156

    Lef and magnoliachild- good luck today!! Hope all goes well and all your anxiety has gone away. Let me know how it goes!

  • lef
    lef Member Posts: 32

    Update: So far, so good. I've done two doses (so 10% done). No side effects thus far. They gave me calendula cream (OTC) to apply 2x/day and told me to let them know about any discomfort or redness. (My cousin, who is a radiation oncologist elsewhere, tells me that every hospital seems to have its favorite cream.)

    I hope it is going well for you, too, magnoliachild,

  • magnoliachild
    magnoliachild Member Posts: 35

    I had my 3rd radiation dose today plus a bone density scan to establish a baseline before I start anastrozole (after I finish radiation). Tonight I am pretty wiped out. The staff at my radiation center are so kind and nice! They explain everything and really treat you like an individual. My doctor prescribed Radiaplex.

    Good luck, Marge and Lef!

  • margecandoit
    margecandoit Member Posts: 156

    Hope you guys are doing well. Looks like I won’t be starting radiation in January. They are now telling me February. Very disappointing since my surgery was 11/17. Good luck!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260

    Positive, healing thoughts going out to all who are starting radiation. Here are some things that helped when I had my therapy. I used Miaderm Radiation Relief Cream with great success ( It was not inexpensive, but it sure worked! If anyone has breasts that can rub the area being treated, it is useful to buy a cushioned sling ( to keep the breast from rubbing on this area.

    I wrote a very lengthy post about helpful hints, but it was 6 years ago. I had 20 treatments, with the last 4 being directly to the tumor bed.

    Eat lots of healthy protein (to promote healing), try to get plenty of rest and I may your treatments lead to conquering the beast!