Not sure how I feel



  • justagalwholoveslife
    edited March 2023

    Thank you Maggie15!

    I appreciate you sharing your decision. I will definitely be thinking about this more.


  • justagalwholoveslife
    edited March 2023

    thank you for sharing Kay!

    I feel like I’m the boat you’re in. I like the fact of not having radiation and years of scans. I have enough belly fat to reconstruct new TaTa’s. There are pros and cons for both surgeries and I need to list them and talk to my dr.

  • justagalwholoveslife
    edited April 2023

    hello all!

    I opted for a lumpectomy. The surgery is in 2 days and I’ve been a big ol’ grump this week! I’m not nervous, I just want it over. My mom will be visiting next Tuesday with my granddaughter and I’m stressing about that because I feel like my house is a mess, even though my daughter and husband say it’s not. Everything this week is irritating me. I can’t wait until this is over.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Posts: 1,564
    edited April 2023

    Hi Kristen, You will probably feel mentally better once the lumpectomy is over. It's hard to let things you usually do like housework slide but not overdoing things helps your recovery. Your family members are coming to see you rather than to be entertained. Let them help by getting groceries or preparing a meal. I hope your surgery goes well.

  • Hi!
    A lot has happened since I’ve posted last. I had a lumpectomy which went well. I’m healing nicely.

    I had my oncology consultation this week. It went as I thought it would. I got my oncotype score which is high at 75. The oncologist said he usually sees a high range of about 30-35. I’ll be having a port put in this week. I will start chemo the 17th. The chemo will be in two rounds. First round is a 2 drug concoction of Adriamycin and Cytoxan. This will be once every 2 weeks for 4 cycles. 8 weeks total. The second round is Taxol which will be once a week for 12 weeks. Then radiation daily M-F for 6 weeks. Then we’ll discuss hormone therapy which is a daily pill for 5 or 10 years.

    I feel good and I am ready!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Posts: 1,564

    Wow, an oncotype of 75 is pretty high! At least that meant no debate about whether or not to have chemo. I hope your treatment goes well.

  • hi Maggie! Yes the oncologist can’t remember the last time he saw a 75!

  • Hi Justagal! I will say that with a 75 there is no doubt that chemo will do quite a number on your tumor. Pretty much your's seems to be operating like a triple negative although as a bonus you've got some estrogen receptors so endocrine therapy is a possible help for you also. I'm so glad you've got a plan and feel good about starting. I love an expression in the UK they use a lot. It's "onwards and upwards". So to you I say onwards and upwards!

  • hi kay!

    thank you!

    I had the tumor removed with a lumpectomy. It’s definitely behaving like triple negative and I’m happy that it has at least a little.

    Onwards and upwards!


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