joint pain from arimidex

I've been taking 1mg of arimidex for 12 weeks and the joint pain is VERY uncomfortable. Any suggestions/experiences for relief?
stacy, I'm sorry your MO is not listening to you or hearing you when you talk about your SEs. Sometimes, the nurses are better at listening or advising you. Are you able to switch MOs?
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Yes to that in spades, Ruth. The Nashville Senator was on news this morning saying how nothing could or would get done. What a disgrace -- to go on national t.v. and say to parents your kids are expendable because we can't do anything. As always, the first thing parents can do is fire this deplorable. There are a lot of people who can do something and people like that guy need to be gotten out their way.
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Thanks so much for the suggestions! I, too, am recently retired and am not moving nearly as much as a did as a teacher aide for preschoolers. Walking is probably my best bet for now.
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Exactly! I was an elementary school teacher. There’s no sitting down when teaching first grade
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the longer I’m on arimidex the less my joints hurt me though they still do. I was on tamoxifen first then switched to arimidex. Walking walking walking helps. Even just being active around the house. Cleaning and running errands. I feel best when I eat a balanced diet and drink lots of water and avoid alcohol and sweets.
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Re the teaching and exercise: I too used to work in public schools. Many years ago I did a lot of substitute teaching. I never have felt that good physically at any other time in my life. It was all from being with kids and walking around the classroom, up and down the halls, etc. every day. I loved that part of it.
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I’m a teacher too- a preschool teacher
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Unfortunately, my symptoms on all of the AI’s have never improved over time, sigh… but given that I’m stage IV and these drugs have kept me progression free (at least that’s the assumptions) for over 11 years I will keep taking them and do my best to cope.
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Have you tried taking Claritin to help with your joint pain? I pop a Claritin every morning and keeps me fairly pain free in my jonits. It's a histamine blocker and does help.
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Try any and all suggestions as we all react differently. I have always had bad allergies and have taken either Claritin or Zyrtec for years and they seem to do nothing to lessen my AI pain.
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Oh exbrnxgrl,
Dang it, I was hoping it might help some. It's really helped with mine. I do notice that I am a bit stiff every morning when I get up, but I'm going to be 59 this May and that is probably part of it. I also know that walking makes a huge difference for me. I used to run. I couldn't do that now, nor do I really want to anymore, but walking does help with joint stiffness, too.
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I am having the same side affect. It wasn’t bad for the first couple months but it seems to be getting worse
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Claritin was working for me, but now I'm at the 2 year mark and the joint pain has gotten so much worse. I'm wondering about the amount I'm taking. What dosage are you taking?
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i have osteoporosis and AIs are hard on bone density and after 11 months on arimidex, i could not tolerate the joint stiffness and hip weakness that was supposed to get better but it did not. I just switched to tomoxifen which i tolerated well before. The hip weakness made me afraid i might fall and fracture a hip. I have a rib fracture that finally healed after 3 years.
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I think I heard that it’s Claritan, not Claritan D, that works. Is that right
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Yes, not the D one. Just plain ole Claritin.