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Worried about IBC

misstammie38 Member Posts: 1

9Hi all,

I am very concerned about my right breast. It all started around Christmas. I had a furuncle under my breast wich was annoying me. And foolish me tought its a wise idea to put a needle in the furuncle. After some week or two it seems the skin got infected. It was inflamed and i had this peau d'orange skin.

I called my doctor immediatly and she did physical examination. I told her i was worried about IBC. She said i dont have to worry this cause the breast tissue was feeling soft and and there was bo peau d'orange. But i told her the peau d'orange comes and goes. She said then its not IBC. Does symptoms will only progress during time.

I dont know why, but for weeks now i keep having this feeling that their might be something wrong. Can peau d'orange come and go with IBC? I have some small edema, my bra forms in my breast. The redness on my breast is as big as a golf Ball i gues.. can i trust my doctor by only a physical examination?

I was trying to share some pictures but sadly the system said i am not allowed to do so.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,430

    Hi misstammie38, and welcome to our community.

    We are sorry to hear about what you're going through. It can be difficult to diagnose inflammatory breast cancer because there is usually no lump to feel during a physical exam or to see in a mammogram. Have you also consulted with a dermatologist? If you continue to experience ongoing and lasting changes, you may want to request a biopsy of the skin. Doctors also may recommend additional imaging tests, such as an ultrasound or breast MRI, depending.

    Most situations like this end up being benign, and can be managed with the help of a doctor.

    We're here for you,

    The Mods

    p.s. we don't allow such photos as we our members or mods are not in the position to diagnose.