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Weight gain immediately after exchange surgery

mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
edited March 2023 in Breast Reconstruction

I am obese, and I have lymphedema and lipidema, so it is probably just me, but I gained 10 pounds in three days after my exchange surgery. I know it is water retention, maybe from the medications? I was up and walking hours after my surgery, which went well. I walk around my house and have been virtually pain free on non-opioid medications. My only discomfort comes from the binders over my breast and abdomen. I had liposuction too. I don't have much of an appetite and have not been eating a lot. My diet is a healthy one, before and after the surgery. I have been drinking more water because my mouth gets so dry, due to the anesthesia. My follow up appointment is on Tuesday so I will see my plastic surgeon then. I don't feel the need to call him about this, but if I keep gaining weight at this rate, I will call the office on Monday. I am walking around my house a lot as that is the only form of exercise I am allowed to do. I assume that would really help my circulation.

I wonder if anyone else had weight gain after the exchange surgery, not necessarily as much as I gained, I would really like to hear from you!