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Oncotype Score

amgraz1982 Member Posts: 4

I recently had a lumpectomy for Stage 2 ILC which was ER/PR+ HER2-. Tumor was 29mm. There was a micrometasticts found in 1 of 3 lymph nodes. I am 41 years old.

I received my Oncotype report today and am hoping others may be able to comment or share their story with similar results and what treatment they moved forward with. My RS was 20 however my risk of recurrence after 9 years is 17% (which I thought was high based on my score). It also stated CT benefit for this group cannot be excluded. My appointment with my medical oncologist is nearly 2 weeks out.

Thanks in advance for any insight or feedback you may have


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited April 2023

    Hi amgraz1982, and welcome to!

    We're so very sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but we're so glad you've found us. You're sure to find our incredible community a wonderful source of advice, information, encouragement, and support -- we're all here for you!

    We know others will be by shortly to weigh in with their thoughts on treatment with a similar oncotype result. If there's anything we Moderators can do to help you find more information, please let us know!

    --The Mods

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299
    edited April 2023

    amgraz1982, Since nobody else has replied I'll chime in with my similar but slightly different situation. My stats are stage 2A ER+PR+/HER2-(FISH) , tumor size 32mm, micromets in 1/3 nodes, intermediate Oncotype (24) like you. However my tumor was IDC, LVI positive and I was diagnosed at age 69. I also had a lumpectomy and whole breast/axillary radiation. I was on the chemo borderline for my age and declined it since my MO's opinion was I could go either way. Given your age chemo will probably be recommended followed by radiation and hormonal therapy. It would be nicer to avoid this but the treatments are all doable and will decrease the risk of recurrence. There is a great deal of general information on this site. If you read up some before your MO appointment you can ask intelligent questions. Once you know what your exact treatments will be there are plenty of threads available to get information and support from others undergoing the same treatment. All the best going forward!

  • hipline
    hipline Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2023

    I was also Stage II ILC when diagnosed and while node negative I did have an aggressive Ki67 score (>30%), vascular invasion and pleomorphic. My onco score was 16, age 52. I had a mastectomy followed by 7 years of adjuvant therapy but no chemo. I am entering year 13!

    Everyone is so unique that I suggest you download the Questions to Ask Your Doctor from the Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance and just have a candid discussion with your oncologist. Chemo very well may be recommended but you can ask questions about what to expect, how to best deal with side effects and make a plan that works for you. Sending you the best of wishes.

  • amgraz1982
    amgraz1982 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2023

    Thank you so much for your insight and response. I’m not sure what the recommendation will be in regard to chemo but it does make me feel better to hear about the experience of others so thank you again:

  • amgraz1982
    amgraz1982 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2023

    Thank you for that and the link to questions to ask my doc will definitely help me prepare for my appointment

  • sanazsabeti65
    sanazsabeti65 Member Posts: 21

    My sister was diagnosed in October 2023. She had double mastectomy on Jan 02. 4.2 cm tumor on the right breast . 1 out of 2 lymph nodes came back positive. they said it`s stage 2a. Her Oncotype score was 20. She is 52 (postmenopausal ) her ILC was 100% estrogen positive, 70% progestron positive. Her Oncologist said since she is postmenopausal and Oncotype 20 she doesn`t need chemo and she can start with radiation therapy. I am a little worried about not doing chemo since one lymph node came back positive. She is trying to get a second opinion. Anyone here got any advice ?

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299

    Hi @sanazsabeti65 , While my tumor was IDC, 3.2 cm, 1/3 nodes, similar hormone receptors and Oncotype of 24, chemo was not recommended (26 is where postmenopausal women see a benefit in chemo.) The tumor genomic profile rather than the size is what drives the chemo recommendation. Axillary radiation was added to my planned whole breast radiation. Also, an aromatase inhibitor will probably be prescribed. A second opinion is a good idea if you have questions but I did not do chemo. These toxic treatments can have lasting side effects so the focus now is to treat appropriately without overtreating.

  • sanazsabeti65
    sanazsabeti65 Member Posts: 21

    Thank you dear Maggie 15 for sharing. I totally agree. In some cases, side effects of chemo outweigh the benefits. If you don`t mind me asking how many rounds of radiation did you end up doing ?

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,299

    I had 25 rounds altogether. My skin held up pretty well but I ended up with some nerve damage. At least it's not in my hands and feet as may be the case with chemo neuropathy.

  • sanazsabeti65
    sanazsabeti65 Member Posts: 21

    This is also a very helpful talk for those with ILC