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Anyone out there going through the same ?

4boyschaos Member Posts: 3
edited April 2023 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

hi my name is Amy I’m a 36 year old mum of four boys(19,17,15 and 12)! In the last five days I’ve had really horrible pain in the top my left breast that also radiates into my arm pit it is lumpy as well and when I press on that spot it hurts. I’m also getting clear discharge coming from my left nipple (none on the other one) I’ve had the mirena put in in august last year and since then my periods have been virtually non existent! I have an appointment on Thursday with the dr but wanted to get some advice on what it could be on here. Trying not to stress out but I haven’t told any of my family because I don’t want them to worry so need to vent as well as getting advice ! Thanks in advance


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited April 2023

    At your age, and with your symptoms, it could likely be something benign, but very good you made an appointment with your doctor!

    Hopefully someone here had similar symptoms and can relate. I still think there is a high likelihood it is benign. That said, waiting IS the hardest part. Whatever the diagnosis, "it is what it is" and you will have support from your family, friends, everyone here on BCO, and your medical team.

    We can't give you what you really want, knowing if it is cancer or not! Believe me I know! All of us here have gone through that, most of us multiple times! Hang in there! You will get through this! Remember, it is most likely benign! Try to keep busy and don't miss out on joy because you are worrying!

    Everyone here will support you no matter what the diagnosis! I will be thinking of you on Thursday!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited April 2023

    Welcome, Amy! We're so sorry you find yourself here, we know how scary breast changes can be. Echoing what Mavericksmom said, it's good you are being proactive and getting it checked out! Unfortunately we're not medical experts or professionals so we can't offer any guidance in terms of what it could be, but there are many things that can cause and/or contribute to breast changes.

    Please keep us posted on what you learn at your appointment, we'll be thinking of you!

    The Mods

  • 4boyschaos
    4boyschaos Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2023

    Thanks heaps to those that responded so I didn’t end up going to the dr as I’ve had other unrelated (I think) health issues like chest pain band tightness kinda like indigestion that my dr (over the phone) sent me to hospital for …..they did however do a great exam there and said I definitely need to see my dr asap as they could definitely feel the lump. My breast on that side is noticeably well to me different than the other side it sits up higher than the other (I’ve had four kids who I had the privledge of breastfeeding so they hand kinda low lol) it’s also a different shape. Have a drs appointment again on this Thursday coming . I’m trying not to worry I’m much of the mind of I will try not to worry until they tell me what it actually is mindframe . However it really is quite painful and hurts so bad I wish I could just make that pain go away. Once again thanks for the responses I appreciate the time you’ve taken to write to me

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited April 2023

    Trying not to worry can be very hard to do, but glad you have a good mind frame! I am so sorry it hurts you so badly. Glad you have an appointment this Thursday, but I doubt you will get answers then. Most likely will send you for mammogram or US. So just prepare for more waiting. I really wish that isn't how things go, but I have gone through breast cancer three times and there is always a lot of waiting!

    I am so glad you posted again! I hope the new forum next week doesn't mess things up here as I really want to know how you are and what your doctor tells your! Until then, (((((cyber hugs)))))

  • 4boyschaos
    4boyschaos Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2023

    I will hunt you down and find you and let you know if the post disappears mavericksmum x thanks for your kind words I hope you are well xx