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11 years on exemestane and urgency/incontinence

claireinaz Member Posts: 710

Hi everyone. Well, like other women in their early 60s, I'm beginning to have some incontinence and urgency that I can't control. I've cut out caffeine completely (heartbroken) which seems to help; I am extremely active (yoga/pilates/barre/hiking) do kegels and have for years, but lately I've begun to suffer from urgency issues and incontinence. It came on kind of quickly; I had an urgent need to pee when I was out walking about 2 months ago, had an accident, and now I'm terrified that it will happen again. I can sleep for four hours before getting up, and when I'm teaching a class (professor here) that is 75 min long I don't have an urgency. But sometimes I leak and at least one time woke up leaking.

I'm terrified I'll pee my pants so I wear pads now. I had a good check up with my gyno a few weeks ago, but he didn't think (though he said I have vaginal atrophy which definitely points to have little to no estrogen circulating, according to him) that being on an aromatase inhibitor for years would cause this problem. Really?

I see a urologist in May. BTW, if you are wondering why I've been on an AI for 11 years, my MO says that the latest research says to keep high-risk women like me on it as long as we can tolerate it. I've tolerated it so far so I'm committed, but wonder if I'm beginning to see some negative effects from long-term use. Or is it overactive bladder coupled with AI side effects?

Claire in AZ


  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658
    edited April 2023

    Hi Claire:

    I'm in my early 40s but have recently developed some moderate, yet noticeable urgency issues which my ob/gyn also thinks it's likeky from the lack of estrogen.