Reporting forum feedback and technical issues



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2023

    Hi @debbew,

    Those are good suggestions. We do have a section on our Feedback form (in Quick Links) that allows you to suggest/request features or changes to layout to improve the user experience. It goes directly to our tech team.

    For the issue of being logged out, there is a separate form at the Technical Report form (in Quick Links), where you can describe the issue, what devices/web browser the issue is occurring on and so forth. Functionality-wise, it is supposed to keep you logged in for longer than 24 hours.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi @spookiesmom,

    We apologize for the inconveniences you have been experiencing. Our tech team is doing their best to troubleshoot and resolve the technical issues since going live with the new platform, but we understand that it frustrating and that everyone has been waiting a substantial amount of time to move to the platform. Transitions are always a difficult period. We hope that you will continue being a part of our Community. The functionality to stay logged in is something we asked for. We're speaking to the tech team right now about this issue, and we'll update here once we hear back to let you and @debbew know.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi @exbrnxgrl,

    Accurate! "Bookmarks" are the equivalent of what was formerly known as "Favorites" on the previous platform.

    We did submit a ticket related to the inaccurate display number for your bookmarks earlier.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    Thanks mods. It’s not effecting functionality but it’s just strange. I second finding a way to allow us to stay logged in. Whether I remain logged in or not seems to be random. Sometimes when I return to bco I’m logged in, sometimes not. I should add that i had this issue before the platform migration so it could be my iPad.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2023

    Ohh, have you tried clearing the cache/cookies on your iPad? That might fix it if it seems specific to when you're using your iPad and since it happened before migration, @exbrnxgrl. This support article on Apple's website explains how to do so:

    If you use Google Chrome though on your iPad, then you would follow these steps to clear the cache/cookies on your iPad:

  • debbew
    debbew Posts: 237

    Well, just letting you know that since I posted here, I have not been logged out. Weird, because as far as I can tell, I'm not doing anything different and it had been happening a lot. Hope it sticks!

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Posts: 714

    What happened to the discussion thread "Questions about Stage IV", Open To All to Contribute"? I don't like this new redux. It's clunky, takes even more time to navigate and search, and I miss having a simple button for "get email updates" about discussions. Did the designers actually user-test this on those of us that use this forum to get helpful information and support? Bring the old design back!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited May 2023

    Hi claireinaz! Yes, we actually went with a very reputable platform called Vanilla (and Higher Logic) - also used by the American Cancer Society-, however, there are certainly kinks. The login time for instance has been increased, and this should be helpful. There will be content tech releases to fix bugs, and make the user experience better. The change is tough, but we hope that with a little time, it will get easier and better for everyone!

    The Forum you are referencing is still here! Check it out!

    If you want to get email notifications to your bookmarks, please read here in our User Guide: How to update your community notification preferences

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    @teka that shouldn't be the case! We apologize. Would you mind completing this feedback form to share additional information? We want to get this right!

    Complete this form to report technical issues, and this form to provide other feedback about the community. 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442

    How do I add a thread to 'my favorites' - of course, now my bookmarks???

    And what is an easy way to find my private messages? Or send a message to the MODS???

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442

    And doesn't this go to the top of my bookmarks once I've posted? I may never find it again or see the answer

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi MinusTwo! To add a thread to your bookmarks, click the little flag at the top of the post, next to the title of the thread. Once clicked, it will turn red, indicating that you've bookmarked the thread. It will now appear on your list of Bookmarks, and your list order updates based on activity on the thread - so threads at the top of the list are ones that have recent posts.

    You can find your private messages in the same quick links box as your Bookmarks, in Inbox. The easiest way to send a private message to another member is to click on their username in any thread; that will bring up a little pop up with the member's profile info, including a message button.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372


    That brings us back to how to unflag bookmarks that can’t be seen! My bookmark count indicates 63 yet when I actually view my bookmarks there are only about 8. Where are the other 50 something bookmarks? Do I really have or have I ever had 63 bookmarks? I somehow don’t think so.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    There is an existing ticket for that issue, exbrnxgrl, we'll update once it's been resolved!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi @teka,

    That is frustrating. We do apologize for that inconvenience. We're investigating why that may have happened. Thanks for letting us know.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    A friend of mine's dil was just diagnosed TNBC. I went to All Topics to look up TNBC so I could read through the different treads. When I clicked on All Topics I was sent to a page that (to me) makes no sense. Where can I find the list of All Topics? Please don't tell me it's been removed. I used that list many times and what currently comes up for All Topics is not the list.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi @wonderland! The All Topics page has 9 sections, with the forums and threads organized within these groups by topic. For example, you'll find TNBC-related content in multiple sections, such as Connect with Others Like Me or In Treatment. The format and look of the page has changed on the new platform, but all of the information is there!

    Another quick way to find all threads related to a specific topic is the search function - if you type TNBC or triple negative breast cancer in the search bar, you'll find all related threads and topics, and can even sort by discussion, category, or members who have TNBC in their username.

    Finally, many of our topics have 'tags', which is another way to find a specific topic or thread. On the All Topics page, on the right just under your Quick Links box, there's a list of popular tags. Clicking on any of them will pull up the most relevant and/or popular threads and forums in that topic.

    Hope this helps!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    I didn't notice the Category button that comes up on the 2nd page after you type in a topic at the search function. Looks like what used to be called Topics are now called Categories and it looks like the names have stayed the same. But I think the order is different from how they were listed before (I could be wrong). Good to know that the Topics/Categories are still available. FYI: I find it confusing, though. I'm used to the List of All Topics. Thanks for the information.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372
    edited June 2023

    Well, I submitted the form, twice I believe. A couple of weeks have passed and I was told I would be informed when it was resolved but there have only been crickets. The problem? Nothing earth shattering. Bookmarks show that I have 63 of them. In reality, I only have 7 and there appears to be no way to view or delete the mysterious and invisible 56 others. So, I was inspired to write a parody song…

    To the tune of 100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

    63 bookmarks on BCO,

    63 bookmarks have I,

    I try to delete but it’s no small feat.

    63 bookmarks have I !

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    @exbrnxgrl Yes, like we told you, we'll inform you once it's been fixed. As you noted, there are other priority fixes we are working on first, since the bookmark issue, while annoying, isn't earth-shattering. Thanks for your patience.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Posts: 5,372

    What, no compliments on my parody skills? Seriously mods, I know you are not responsible for actually making the needed fixes but it does leave me scratching my head. Not a tech person myself but almost everyone around me is and they too are scratching their heads (Greetings from the heart of Silicon Valley). Still, I keep the faith…

  • zogo
    zogo Posts: 19,907

    I've reported this multiple times in the past and noticed it again today. My photo is fine on the community page, but is distorted on the main page.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843
    edited September 2023

    @zogo we'll check on it. So very sorry! It is in the (long) queue to get fixed.

  • Is there any way to bypass the "fill out your profile" prompt? I don't want to complete my profile-it's fine as is, but every time I log into it comes up every time and I'm tired of seeing it.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    @claireinaz we'll check on this!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    @claireinaz should be dismissable now

  • Hi Mods, okay…but I don't see a "dismiss" button when I log in and the first page opens, it still asks me to "update my profile: 5 out of 8 items to complete". I don't know how to get rid of this prompt.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi @claireinaz,

    Oh, you can't dismiss that that message. We thought you were referring to the announcement in the boards. If you go to the widget and skip all of the questions to “finish” it you will stop getting that message. Hope that helps! :)

  • Hi, I am not sure what a widget is. Can you just describe or show an image? (English major here ;) )

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,843

    Hi @claireinaz,

    This is the profile widget we are referring to, on this page.

    We hope this helps!

    —The Mods