second lumpectomy

I opted for a second lumpectomy on the advice of my surgeon instead of a mastectomy. Has anyone done the same and did you have a reoccurence of cancer?



  • Was it on the same breast? i ask because I had a lumpectomy followed by radiation on my right breast in 2012 and when i had a new breast cancer in my right, I had another lumpectomy followed by radiation. But yes, I wondered too if I should get a mastectomy.

  • qkalake
    qkalake Posts: 10

    yes, it was the same breast. Eleven years apart. Doctors implied that it was a new, separate cancer. I am not sure of that and wish I had more confidence that I did the right thing with a second lumpectomy

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    They didn't get clear margins when I had a lumpectomy (16 years ago). They went back in and took more tissue in what they called a second lumpectomy; must have done the trick because I'm still here! 😃

  • bsmiz
    bsmiz Posts: 19

    Ruth did you have treatment beside lumpectomy? I noticed you are PR- . I am too and wondering what that means for treatment.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,962

    Along with radiation, I had 4 rounds of chemo and 5 years of Arimdex