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Period after chemopause


I went through AC-T chemo 7 years ago at 40 which put me into chemopause. I have been taking aromatase inhibitors since then. I am now 47 and am having my first period. Did anyone else have this happen? I have a call into my oncologist and ob-gyn. Just wondering if it has happened to anyone else.


  • melbo
    melbo Member Posts: 266

    I was ER/PR negative, so no AIs for me — but my period stopped during chemo and then came back about a year later. I’ve seen this question pop up a couple of times over the last several years, so I suspect it’s fairly common for those diagnosed young enough.

  • teeha2
    teeha2 Member Posts: 3

    Hi kelcam,

    I'm experiencing the same thing after being on Anastrozole for 9 months (switched from Tamoxifen after my FSH/estradiol confirmed I was in menopause; I stopped getting my period after starting chemo). I had a period this month (which totally shocked me). I had the regular discharge and nipple tenderness leading up to this period. Labs confirmed my FSH/estradiol levels are still in the menopause range. The weeks leading up to the period, I felt normal, like I did before BC treatment. I didn't have the usual joint pain/stiffness, no hot flashes. All the signs leading up to the period, and the period itself were pretty consistent with the periods I had in the past prior to BC. My oncologist doesn't think it's possible that this is a period.

    Did your oncologist figured out what was wrong? I have a endometrial biopsy scheduled.